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Present-day uplift of the European Alps: Evaluating mechanisms and models of their relative contributions
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.01.005
Pietro Sternai , Christian Sue , Laurent Husson , Enrico Serpelloni , Thorsten W. Becker , Sean D. Willett , Claudio Faccenna , Andrea Di Giulio , Giorgio Spada , Laurent Jolivet , Pierre Valla , Carole Petit , Jean-Mathieu Nocquet , Andrea Walpersdorf , Sébastien Castelltort

Abstract Recent measurements of surface vertical displacements of the European Alps show a correlation between vertical velocities and topographic features, with widespread uplift at rates of up to ~2–2.5 mm/a in the North-Western and Central Alps, and ~1 mm/a across a continuous region from the Eastern to the South-Western Alps. Such a rock uplift rate pattern is at odds with the horizontal velocity field, characterized by shortening and crustal thickening in the Eastern Alps and very limited deformation in the Central and Western Alps. Proposed mechanisms of rock uplift rate include isostatic response to the last deglaciation, long-term erosion, detachment of the Western Alpine slab, as well as lithospheric and surface deflection due to mantle convection. Here, we assess previous work and present new estimates of the contributions from these mechanisms. Given the large range of model estimates, the isostatic adjustment to deglaciation and erosion are sufficient to explain the full observed rate of uplift in the Eastern Alps, which, if correct, would preclude a contribution from horizontal shortening and crustal thickening. Alternatively, uplift is a partitioned response to a range of mechanisms. In the Central and Western Alps, the lithospheric adjustment to deglaciation and erosion likely accounts for roughly half of the rock uplift rate, which points to a noticeable contribution by mantle-related processes such as detachment of the European slab and/or asthenospheric upwelling. While it is difficult to independently constrain the patterns and magnitude of mantle contributions to ongoing Alpine vertical displacements at present, future data should provide additional insights. Regardless, interacting tectonic and surface mass redistribution processes, rather than an individual forcing, best explain ongoing Alpine elevation changes.



摘要 最近对欧洲阿尔卑斯山地表垂直位移的测量表明垂直速度与地形特征之间存在相关性,在西北部和中部阿尔卑斯山以高达 ~2-2.5 mm/a 的速率和 ~1 mm/a 的速率广泛隆升a 横跨从东部阿尔卑斯山到西南阿尔卑斯山的连续区域。这种岩石隆升速率模式与水平速度场不一致,其特征是东阿尔卑斯山地壳缩短和加厚,中阿尔卑斯山和西阿尔卑斯山的变形非常有限。提出的岩石抬升速率机制包括对最后一次冰消期的均衡响应、长期侵蚀、西部高山板块的脱离,以及地幔对流引起的岩石圈和地表偏转。这里,我们评估了以前的工作,并提出了对这些机制贡献的新估计。鉴于模型估计的范围很大,对冰川消融和侵蚀的均衡调整足以解释东阿尔卑斯山的完整观测抬升率,如果正确,将排除水平缩短和地壳增厚的贡献。或者,抬升是对一系列机制的分区响应。在中阿尔卑斯山和西部阿尔卑斯山,岩石圈对冰川消融和侵蚀的调整可能占岩石抬升率的大约一半,这表明与地幔相关的过程(例如欧洲板块的脱离和/或软流圈上升流)的显着贡献。虽然目前很难独立限制地幔对正在进行的高山垂直位移的贡献的模式和大小,但未来的数据应该会提供更多的见解。无论如何,相互作用的构造和地表质量重新分布过程,而不是单个强迫,最能解释正在进行的高山海拔变化。