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Trace fossils evidence of a complex history of nutrient availability and oxygen conditions during Heinrich Event 1
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.01.003
Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar , Javier Dorador , David A.V. Hodell

Abstract The relationship between the behavior of tracemakers and paleoenvironmental conditions has been shown to be a useful tool in paleoceanographic studies. Here we present a detailed ichnological analysis of Heinrich Event 1 (H1), the youngest glacial North Atlantic large iceberg discharge, from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1308 in the central North Atlantic, located 2800 km from the mouth of the Hudson Strait. The ichnoassemblage consists of small trace fossils such as Phycosiphon, “Mycellia”/Trichichnus and Chondrites, and large ones including Planolites and Thalassinoides. The bioturbation index is generally low, from no bioturbation, to 30% of total bioturbated surface. Significant variations in composition, diversity and abundance of trace fossils are recorded, associated with the dual nature of H1 (comprising H1.1 and H1.2) and the period intervening between the two. Bottom- and pore-water oxygenation and benthic food availability are found to be the main limiting conditions for the tracemaker community, with some variations during the time span of H1, while factors such as sea water temperature had a minor impact.


海因里希事件 1 期间养分供应和氧气条件的复杂历史的追踪化石证据

摘要 示踪者的行为与古环境条件之间的关系已被证明是古海洋学研究的有用工具。在这里,我们展示了海因里希事件 1 (H1) 的详细历史分析,这是北大西洋最年轻的冰川大型冰山排放,来自北大西洋中部的综合海洋钻探计划站点 U1308,距离哈德逊海峡口 2800 公里。ichnosemblage 包括小的痕迹化石,如 Phycosiphon、“Mycellia”/Trichichnus 和球粒陨石,以及大的包括 Planolites 和 Thalassinoides。生物扰动指数通常较低,从无生物扰动到总生物扰动表面的 30%。记录了痕量化石的组成、多样性和丰度的显着变化,这与 H1 的双重性质(包括 H1.1 和 H1.1.1)有关。2)以及介于两者之间的时期。发现底部和孔隙水氧化和底栖食物供应是示踪剂群落的主要限制条件,在 H1 的时间跨度内有一些变化,而海水温度等因素影响较小。