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Global Mean Climate and Main Patterns of Variability in the CMCC‐CM2 Coupled Model
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-18 , DOI: 10.1029/2018ms001369
A. Cherchi 1, 2 , P. G. Fogli 1 , T. Lovato 1 , D. Peano 1 , D. Iovino 1 , S. Gualdi 1, 2 , S. Masina 1, 2 , E. Scoccimarro 1 , S. Materia 1 , A. Bellucci 1 , A. Navarra 1, 2

Euro‐Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change coupled climate model (CMCC‐CM2) represents the new family of the global coupled climate models developed and used at CMCC. It is based on the atmospheric, land and sea ice components from the Community Earth System Model coupled with the global ocean model Nucleus for European Modeling of the Ocean. This study documents the model components, the coupling strategy, particularly for the oceanic, atmospheric, and sea ice components, and the overall model ability in reproducing the observed mean climate and main patterns of interannual variability. As a first step toward a more comprehensive, process‐oriented, validation of the model, this work analyzes a 200‐year simulation performed under constant forcing corresponding to present‐day climate conditions. In terms of mean climate, the model is able to realistically reproduce the main patterns of temperature, precipitation, and winds. Specifically, we report improvements in the representation of the sea surface temperature with respect to the previous version of the model. In terms of mean atmospheric circulation features, we notice a realistic simulation of upper tropospheric winds and midtroposphere geopotential eddies. The oceanic heat transport and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation satisfactorily compare with present‐day observations and estimates from global ocean reanalyses. The sea ice patterns and associated seasonal variations are realistically reproduced in both hemispheres, with a better skill in winter. Main weaknesses of the simulated climate are related with the precipitation patterns, specifically in the tropical regions with large dry biases over the Amazon basin. Similarly, the seasonal precipitation associated with the monsoons, mostly over Asia, is weaker than observed. The main patterns of interannual variability in terms of dominant empirical orthogonal functions are faithfully reproduced, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere winter. In the tropics the main teleconnection patterns associated with El Niño–Southern Oscillation and with the Indian Ocean Dipole are also in good agreement with observations.



欧洲地中海气候变化中心耦合气候模型(CMCC-CM2)代表了CMCC开发和使用的全球耦合气候模型的新家族。它基于社区地球系统模型中的大气,陆地和海冰成分,再加上用于欧洲海洋建模的全球海洋模型Nucleus。这项研究记录了模型成分,耦合策略(尤其是海洋,大气和海冰成分的耦合策略)以及重现观测到的平均气候和年际变化主要模式的整体模型能力。作为朝着更全面,面向过程的方向验证模型的第一步,这项工作分析了在与当前气候条件相对应的恒定强迫下进行的200年模拟。就平均气候而言 该模型能够真实地再现温度,降水和风的主要模式。具体而言,我们报告了相对于先前版本的模型,海面温度表示的改进。在平均大气环流特征方面,我们注意到对流层上风和对流层中位涡的真实模拟。海洋热传输和大西洋经向翻转环流与当今的观测和全球海洋再分析的估计值令人满意。在两个半球都可以真实地再现海冰的模式和相关的季节变化,而冬季则具有更好的技巧。模拟气候的主要弱点与降水模式有关,特别是在亚马逊流域干旱偏见较大的热带地区。同样,与季风有关的季节性降水(主要在整个亚洲)比观测到的要弱。忠实地再现了主要经验正交函数的年际变化的主要模式,主要是在北半球冬季。在热带地区,与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动和印度洋偶极子相关的主要遥相关模式也与观测结果非常吻合。