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A lexicon for gender bias in academia and medicine
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-13 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.k5218
Esther K Choo , Robert F DeMayo , Glaucomflecken

Mansplaining is the tip of the iceberg
Many of the experiences of women in the workforce are so patterned and commonplace they have spawned an emerging vocabulary, which includes terms like mansplaining (explaining something in a condescending or patronising way, typically to a woman),1 bropropriation (when a man takes credit for a woman’s idea),2 manel (a panel of speakers populated entirely by men),3 and himpathy (the “inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy powerful men often enjoy in cases of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, homicide, and other misogynistic behavior”).4 Here, we propose a number of additions to the vernacular, which are likely to remain relevant for the foreseeable future.5
Andropoly: Self perpetuating, male dominant leadership within an industry or organisation
Asheep: Opposite of “woke” when it comes to gender equity
Bro-mote-her: Man who advocates for the advancement of women
Clinical acuwomen: Emerging appreciation of how more gender balanced teams may have the potential to improve patient outcomes
Compounded misadvantage (or sexacerbating factors): Characteristics that, when added to sex and gender, amplify inequities—such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, gender identity, or disability
Degree deleting emceeing: When an introducer neglects to use the title “Doctor” while presenting a female speaker at a conference or similar professional gathering
Errors of bromission: Failure to proactively endorse qualified female candidates for leadership roles and other professional opportunities
Feternity leave: When becoming a mother is conflated with choosing to forsake the practice of medicine (also known as What They Suspect When You’re Expecting)
He-ja-vu: When a white male leader is replaced by another white male leader followed by another white male leader, and so on
Hersuitism: False notion that women in agentic or leadership roles is somehow unnatural
Himpediment: Man who stands in the way of progress towards gender equity
Hystereotyping: Preconceived bias that women are accommodating and emotional (and thus lack the desire or temperament for leadership)
Jackhanded compliwoments: Gender stereotyped descriptions of women in evaluations or recommendations that can have a negative effect despite being ostensibly complimentary
Mantoring: A man who only mentors other men
Maper: An academic journal article with no female authors and an uncomfortable number of male authors
Misteria: Irrational fear that advancing women means catastrophic lack of opportunity for men
Mo-man-tum: How men’s career opportunities accelerate over time, while women’s taper off
Moustaching: The act of filling senior leadership roles with men, and only men
Ova-looked: When a woman is bypassed for an opportunity even though she is eminently qualified
Perpetual brodemption: Cycle in which confirmed sexual harassers are sheltered from public view, shuffled around, and ultimately advanced, while experiencing only token (if any) disciplinary consequences
Repriwomand: When a woman is penalised for violating gender stereotyped expectations of behaviour
Selective mute-hism: When men fail to speak out against their colleagues’ misogyny
Womenial tasks: Helpful but generally unrewarded administrative chores disproportionately performed by women
XX-tinction: When it comes time to populate a speaking panel, choose board members, or fill a leadership position and all the qualified women appear to have vanished off the earth
All authors are avid observers of gender dynamics in healthcare. EKC and Dr Glaucomflecken developed an infographic on gender biases in academia (https://twitter.com/choo_ek/status/1027042240139386882) that was the impetus for this expanded glossary. Dr Glaucomflecken is a pseudonym.
Competing interests: We have read and understood BMJ policy on declaration of interests and declare the following: EKC is co-founder of Equity Quotient, which performs culture assessments of healthcare organisations; president of the non-profit Gender Equity Research Foundation; and senior advisor to FeminEM.org, which supports the careers of women in medicine. RFD and Dr Glaucomflecken have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; not externally peer reviewed



许多女性在工作中的经历是如此刻板且司空见惯,她们催生了新兴的词汇,其中包括类似粗俗化的术语(以屈尊或礼貌的方式向女性解释),1盗用(当男人为一个女人的想法所称赞时),2 manel(一组完全由男人组成的演讲者),3和同情(“在性侵犯,亲密伴侣暴力, 4)。在此,我们提出了一些对白话的补充,这些补充可能与可预见的
Jackhanded compliwoments:性别刻板的评价或推荐的女性的描述,可以有一个负面的影响虽然是表面上是免费
选择性静音hism :当男性未能反对同事的厌
利益竞争:我们已经阅读并理解了BMJ的利益声明政策,并声明以下内容:EKC是Equity Quotient的共同创始人,该组织对医疗机构进行文化评估;非营利性性别平等研究基金会主席;以及FeminEM.org的高级顾问,该网站支持女性从事医学工作。RFD和Glaucomflecken博士没有利益冲突可宣布。