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TGFβ1: Friend or Foe During Recovery in Encephalopathy
The Neuroscientist ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-17 , DOI: 10.1177/1073858418793131
Brian H. Kim 1 , Steven W. Levison 1

The cytokine transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 is highly induced after encephalopathic brain injury, with data showing that it can both contribute to the pathophysiology and aid in disease resolution. In the immature brain, sustained TGFβ-signaling after injury may prolong inflammation to both exacerbate acute stage damage and perturb the normal course of development. Yet in adult encephalopathy, elevated TGFβ1 may promote a reparative state. In this review, we highlight the context-dependent actions of TGFβ-signaling in the brain during resolution of encephalopathy and focus on neuronal survival mechanisms that are affected by TGFβ1. We discuss the mechanisms that contribute to the disparate actions of TGFβ1 toward elucidating the long-term neurological and neuropsychiatric consequences that follow encephalopathic injury.


TGFβ 1:朋友还是敌人在恢复期间脑病

细胞因子转化生长因子(TGF)-β 1脑病脑损伤后高度诱导,有数据显示,它既能有助于解决疾病的病理生理和援助。在未成熟的大脑中,损伤后持续的TGFβ信号传导可能会延长炎症,从而加剧急性期损伤并扰乱正常的发育过程。然而,在成人性脑病,提高TGFβ 1可促进修复状态。在这次审查中,我们由TGFβ影响了神经元的存活机制性脑病和重点解决过程中突出显示大脑TGFβ信号传导的依赖于上下文的动作1。我们讨论有助于TGFβ的不同行为的机制1 阐明脑病性损伤后的长期神经病学和神经精神病学后果。
