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When Mobile Blockchain Meets Edge Computing
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.2018.1701095
Zehui Xiong , Yang Zhang , Dusit Niyato , Ping Wang , Zhu Han

Blockchain, as the backbone technology of the current popular Bitcoin digital currency, has become a promising decentralized data management framework. Although blockchain has been widely adopted in many applications (e.g., finance, healthcare, and logistics), its application in mobile services is still limited. This is due to the fact that blockchain users need to solve preset proof-of-work puzzles to add new data (i.e., a block) to the blockchain. Solving the proof of work, however, consumes substantial resources in terms of CPU time and energy, which is not suitable for resource-limited mobile devices. To facilitate blockchain applications in future mobile Internet of Things systems, multiple access mobile edge computing appears to be an auspicious solution to solve the proof-of-work puzzles for mobile users. We first introduce a novel concept of edge computing for mobile blockchain. Then we introduce an economic approach for edge computing resource management. Moreover, a prototype of mobile edge computing enabled blockchain systems is presented with experimental results to justify the proposed concept.



区块链作为当前流行的比特币数字货币的骨干技术,已经成为一种很有前途的去中心化数据管理框架。尽管区块链已被广泛应用于许多应用领域(例如金融、医疗保健和物流),但其在移动服务中的应用仍然有限。这是因为区块链用户需要解决预设的工作量证明难题才能将新数据(即区块)添加到区块链中。然而,解决工作量证明在 CPU 时间和能源方面消耗大量资源,不适用于资源有限的移动设备。为了促进区块链在未来移动物联网系统中的应用,多接入移动边缘计算似乎是解决移动用户工作量证明难题的吉祥方案。我们首先为移动区块链引入一个新的边缘计算概念。然后我们介绍了一种经济的边缘计算资源管理方法。此外,还展示了支持移动边缘计算的区块链系统的原型,并附有实验结果以证明所提出的概念是合理的。