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The Colletotrichum dracaenophilum, C. magnum and C. orchidearum species complexes
Studies in Mycology ( IF 14.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2018.04.001
U. Damm , T. Sato , A. Alizadeh , J.Z. Groenewald , P.W. Crous

Although Glomerella glycines, Colletotrichum magnum and C. orchidearum are known as causal agents of anthracnose of soybean, Cucurbitaceae and Orchidaceae, respectively, their taxonomy remains unresolved. In preliminary analyses based on ITS, strains of these species appear basal in Colletotrichum phylogenies, clustering close to C. cliviae, C. brevisporum and other recently described species from tropical or subtropical regions. Phylogenetic analyses (ITS, GAPDH, CHS-1, HIS3, ACT, TUB2) of 102 strains previously identified as Ga. glycines, C. magnum and C. orchidearum as well as other related strains from different culture collections and studies placed these taxa in three species complexes, and distinguished at least 24 species, including 11 new species. In this study, C. magnum, C. orchidearum and C. piperis were epitypified and their taxonomy resolved, while C. cliviicola was proposed as a new name for C. cliviae. Furthermore, a sexual morph was observed for C. yunnanense, while C. brevisporum, C. cliviicola and C. tropicicola were reported from new hosts or countries. Regarding their conidial morphology, species in the C. dracaenophilum, C. magnum and C. orchidearum species complexes are reminiscent of C. gloeosporioides or C. boninense s. lat., and were likely to be confused with them in the past.


炭疽病dracaenophilumC.膨大C. orchidearum种复合物

尽管小球藻甘氨酸大炭疽菌兰花小球藻分别被认为是大豆炭疽菌葫芦科兰科的炭疽病的致病因子,但它们的分类学仍未解决。在基于ITS的初步分析中,这些物种的菌株出现在炭疽菌系统发育的基部,聚集在靠近C. cliviaeC。brevisporum和其他最近描述的来自热带或亚热带地区的物种。系统发育分析(ITS,GAPDHCHS-1,HIS3,ACT,TUB2)的102株先前鉴定为镓。甘氨酸大型葡萄球菌兰花球菌以及来自不同培养物收集和研究的其他相关菌株将这些分类群置于三个物种复合体中,并区分出至少24个物种,包括11个新物种。在这项研究中,C.膨大C. orchidearumC.胡椒被epitypified及其分类解决,而C. cliviicola被提出作为一个新的名字C. cliviae。此外,观察到进行性变形C.云南贯众,而C. brevisporumC. cliviicolaC. tropicicola来自新的东道国或国家的报告。关于它们的分生孢子形态,在C. dracaenophilum,C。magnumC.cyanearum种复合物中,它们让人联想到C. gloeosporioidesC. boninense s。并可能在过去与它们混淆。
