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Monitoring thirty years of small water reservoirs proliferation in the southern Brazilian Amazon with Landsat time series
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.03.015
Damien Arvor , Felipe R.G. Daher , Dominique Briand , Simon Dufour , Anne-Julia Rollet , Margareth Simões , Rodrigo P.D. Ferraz

The recent decoupling of agricultural production and deforestation in the southern Amazon has been made possible thanks to (1) the adoption of intensive agricultural practices, including irrigation, and (2) the diversification of economic activities, including fish farming. Whereas this new agricultural model has brought out positive results to contain deforestation, it also implied new pressures on the environment, and especially on water resources. Many small artificial water reservoirs have been built with different uses, e.g. crop irrigation, energy generation, fish farming or livestock watering. In this paper, we introduce a method to automatically map small water bodies based on time series of Landsat images. The method was tested in the municipality of Sorriso (state of Mato Grosso, Brazil). The statistical results (Overall Accuracy = 0.872; Kappa index = 0.745) validated the efficiency of the methodology although the spatial resolution of Landsat images limited the detection of very small and linear reservoirs. In Sorriso, we estimated that the cumulated area and the number of small water reservoirs increased more than tenfold (from 153 to 1707 ha) and fivefold (86 to 522), respectively, between 1985 and 2015. We discuss the numerous socio-environmental implications raised by the cumulated impacts of these proliferating small reservoirs. We conclude that integrated whole-landscape approaches are necessary to assess how anthropized hydrosystems can counteract or exacerbate the socio-environmental impacts of deforestation and intensive agriculture.



由于(1)采用包括灌溉在内的集约化农业实践,以及(2)包括鱼类养殖在内的经济活动的多样化,最近使亚马逊南部的农业生产与森林砍伐脱钩成为可能。尽管这种新的农业模式为遏制森林砍伐带来了积极成果,但也暗示了对环境,特别是对水资源的新压力。已经建立了许多具有不同用途的小型人工水库,例如农作物灌溉,能源生产,养鱼或牲畜浇水。在本文中,我们介绍了一种基于Landsat图像时间序列自动绘制小型水体的方法。该方法在Sorriso市(巴西马托格罗索州)进行了测试。统计结果(总体准确度= 0.872;尽管Landsat影像的空间分辨率限制了非常小的线性储层的探测,但Kappa指数= 0.745)验证了该方法的有效性。在Sorriso,我们估计1985年至2015年期间,小水库的累计面积和数量分别增加了十倍(从153到1707公顷)和五倍(从86到522)。我们讨论了众多的社会环境影响这些激增的小型水库的累积影响引起了这一问题。我们得出结论,必须采用综合的全景观方法来评估人工水系统如何抵消或加剧毁林和集约化农业的社会环境影响。745)验证了该方法的有效性,尽管Landsat影像的空间分辨率限制了非常小的线性储层的探测。在Sorriso,我们估计1985年至2015年期间,小水库的累计面积和数量分别增加了十倍多(从153到1707公顷)和五倍(86到522)。我们讨论了众多的社会环境影响这些激增的小型水库的累积影响引起了这一问题。我们得出结论,必须采用综合的全景观方法来评估人工水系统如何抵消或加剧毁林和集约化农业的社会环境影响。745)验证了该方法的有效性,尽管Landsat影像的空间分辨率限制了非常小的线性储层的探测。在Sorriso,我们估计1985年至2015年期间,小水库的累计面积和数量分别增加了十倍多(从153到1707公顷)和五倍(86到522)。我们讨论了众多的社会环境影响这些激增的小型水库的累积影响引起了这一问题。我们得出结论,必须采用综合的全景观方法来评估人工水系统如何抵消或加剧毁林和集约化农业的社会环境影响。我们估计,1985年至2015年之间,小水库的总面积和数量分别增长了十倍多(从153到1707公顷)和五倍(从86到522)。这些激增的小型水库的累积影响。我们得出结论,必须采用综合的全景观方法来评估人工水系统如何抵消或加剧毁林和集约化农业的社会环境影响。我们估计,在1985年至2015年之间,小水库的总面积和数量分别增加了十倍多(从153到1707公顷)和五倍(86到522公顷)。这些激增的小型水库的累积影响。我们得出结论,必须采用综合的全景观方法来评估人工水系统如何抵消或加剧毁林和集约化农业的社会环境影响。
