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Zoonotic tuberculosis in humans assessed by next-generation sequencing: an 18-month nationwide study in Lebanon
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-26 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00513-2019
Salam El Achkar 1, 2 , Christine Demanche 1, 3 , Marwan Osman 2 , Rayane Rafei 2 , Mohamad Bachar Ismail 2 , Cyril Gaudin 4 , Stéphanie Duthoy 4 , Frédérique De Matos 4 , Hiam Yaacoub 5 , Claire Pinçon 3 , Monzer Hamze 2 , Philip Supply 6

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other international organisations, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease recently called for formally assessing and (re)prioritising the burden of zoonotic tuberculosis (TB) in people, due to Mycobacterium bovis [1, 2]. Its global contribution to human TB, otherwise principally caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, might be underestimated [2]. Nationally representative prevalence data are virtually non-existent on continents with the highest presumed burdens, i.e. in Africa and Asia [3]. In response to recent international calls, this study reveals the nationally representative prevalence of zoonotic tuberculosis in people in a non-high income country, highlighting the need for appropriate diagnostics and treatment of these patients http://bit.ly/2l3ydDh


通过下一代测序评估人类人畜共患结核病:在黎巴嫩进行的为期 18 个月的全国性研究

世界卫生组织 (WHO) 和其他国际组织,包括联合国粮食及农业组织、世界动物卫生组织和国际抗结核和肺病联盟最近呼吁正式评估和(重新)确定负担的优先级由于牛分枝杆菌 [1, 2],人畜共患结核病 (TB) 的发病率。其对人类结核病的全球贡献,否则主要由结核分枝杆菌引起,可能被低估 [2]。在假定负担最高的大陆,即非洲和亚洲,几乎不存在具有全国代表性的流行数据[3]。为响应最近的国际呼吁,这项研究揭示了非高收入国家人群中人畜共患结核病的全国代表性流行率,