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Big Time
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-30 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-earth-053018-060145
Paul F. Hoffman 1, 2

The Proterozoic Eon was once regarded as the neglected middle half of Earth history. The name refers to early animals, but they did not appear until the eon (2.5–0.54 Ga) was nearly over. Eukaryotic cells and sexual reproduction evolved much earlier in the eon, as did chloroplasts. Molecular dioxygen, the presence of which altered the geochemical behavior of nearly every element essential to life, rose from negligible to near-modern levels, and then plummeted before rising fitfully again. Plate tectonics took on a modern form, and two supercontinents, Nuna and Rodinia, successively congregated and later dispersed. Climate regulatory failures, i.e., Snowball Earth, appear to be a uniquely Proterozoic phenomenon, having occurred twice in rapid succession near the end of the eon (from 717 to 660 Ma and from 650 to 635 Ma) and arguably once near its beginning (ca. 2.43 Ga). Dynamic sea glaciers covered Snowball Earth oceans from pole to pole, and equatorial sublimation drove slow-moving ice sheets on land. Ultimately, the gradual accumulation of CO2 triggered rapid deglaciation and transient greenhouse aftermaths. Physically based and geologically tested, Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth appears to have molecular legacies in ancient bitumens and modern organisms. This is the story of my love affair with an eon that is now a little less neglected.



元古代的Eon曾经被认为是地球历史上被忽视的中间部分。这个名字指的是早期的动物,但是直到第二代(2.5-0.54 Ga)快结束时才出现。真核细胞和有性生殖在早期就已经进化,叶绿体也是如此。分子双氧的存在改变了几乎生活中每一个必不可少的元素的地球化学行为,从几乎可以忽略不计的水平上升到近现代水平,然后骤然下降,然后再次适当地上升。板块构造具有现代形式,两个超大陆,努纳和罗迪尼亚,先后聚集在一起,后来散布开来。气候监管失灵,例如“雪球地球”,似乎是一种独特的元古代现象,在近乎结束时(从717到660 Ma,从650到635 Ma)快速连续发生了两次,并且可以说在接近开始时(约2.43 Ga)发生了一次。充满活力的海冰从极点到极点覆盖了雪球地球海洋,赤道升华带动了缓慢移动的冰盖在陆地上。最终,CO逐渐积累2触发了快速的冰消作用和短暂的温室效应。经过物理基础和地质测试,新元古代雪球地球似乎在古代沥青和现代生物中具有分子遗产。这是我与一个永恒的爱情故事的故事,现在这个故事已经被忽略了。
