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Effectiveness of physical therapy treatment in addition to usual podiatry management of plantar heel pain: a randomized clinical trial.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s12891-019-3009-y
Shane M McClinton 1 , Bryan C Heiderscheit 2 , Thomas G McPoil 3 , Timothy W Flynn 4

BACKGROUND Many patients will seek care from a podiatrist for plantar heel pain (PHP), while few of these patients will also be seen by a physical therapist. Physical therapists can provide treatment that is not a part of routine podiatric care for PHP and may provide additional improvement. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of interdisciplinary care for PHP that incorporated physical therapy treatment after initiating podiatric treatment. METHODS Eligible individuals with PHP that presented to a podiatrist were randomized to receive usual podiatric care (uPOD) or usual podiatric care plus physical therapy treatment (uPOD+PT). The primary outcome was change in foot and ankle ability measure (FAAM) at 6-months. Secondary outcomes included change in numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), patient-reported success, and 6-week and 1-year endpoints. Patient-reported success was defined as the top two global rating of change scale rankings. Primary analysis was intention-to-treat (ITT) using analysis by covariance adjusted to baseline scores, and a secondary per-protocol (PP) analysis was performed analyzing only those who completed treatment. RESULTS Ninety-five individuals participated and were included in the ITT analysis, and 79 were included in the PP analysis. For the primary outcome of FAAM change from baseline to 6-months, both groups improved significantly (uPOD+PT: 26.8 [95% CI 21.6, 31.9]; uPOD: (20 [15.6, 24.4]), but there was no between-group difference (4.3 [- 1, 9.6]). For secondary outcomes, the uPOD+PT group demonstrated greater improvement in NPRS at 6 weeks (0.9 [0.3, 1.4]) and 1 year (1.5 [0.6, 2.5]) in the ITT analysis. In the PP analysis, the uPOD+PT group demonstrated greater improvement in FAAM at 6 months (7.7 [2.1, 13.3]) and 1 year (5.5 [0.1, 10.8]), NPRS at 6 weeks (0.9 [0.2, 1.6]), 6 months (1.3 [0.6, 2.1]) and 1 year (1.3 [0.6, 2.1]), and in patient-reported success (relative risk [95% CI]) at 6 weeks (2.8 [1.1, 7.1]), 6 months (1.5 [1.1, 2.1]), and 1 year (1.5 [1.1, 1.9]). CONCLUSIONS There was no significant benefit of uPOD+PT in the primary outcome of FAAM change at 6 months. Secondary outcomes and PP analysis indicated additional benefit of uPOD+PT, mostly observed in individuals who completed treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION Prospectively registered May 24, 2013 at www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT01865734).



背景技术许多患者会向足病医生寻求足底跟痛(PHP)的护理,而物理治疗师也会看到这些患者中的极少数。物理治疗师所提供的治疗不是PHP常规足病治疗的一部分,并且可能会提供进一步的改善。因此,本研究的目的是研究跨学科护理对PHP的影响,该PHP在开始pod足治疗后纳入了物理治疗。方法将符合条件的有足病医生的PHP患者随机分配到接受常规的足病治疗(uPOD)或常规的足病治疗加物理治疗(uPOD + PT)。主要结局是6个月时足踝能力测量(FAAM)的变化。次要结果包括数字疼痛评分量表(NPRS)的变化,患者报告的成功率,以及6周和1年终点。患者报告的成功被定义为变更量表排名的前两个全球排名。初步分析是意向性治疗(ITT),使用通过调整为基线评分的协方差进行的分析,然后进行次方案(PP)分析,仅分析完成治疗的患者。结果有95个人参加了ITT分析,其中79人参加了PP分析。对于从基线到6个月的FAAM改变的主要结局,两组均显着改善(uPOD + PT:26.8 [95%CI 21.6,31.9]; uPOD:(20 [15.6,24.4]),但在以下之间没有:组差异(4.3 [-1,9.6])。对于继发性结局,uPOD + PT组在6周(0.9 [0.3,1.4])和1年(1.5 [0.6,2.5])表现出更大的NPRS改善。 ITT分析在PP分析中,uPOD + PT组在6个月(7.7 [2.1,13.3])和1年(5.5 [0.1,10.8]),6个月(0.9 [0.2,1.6]),6个月(1.3)的FAAM表现出更大的改善[0.6,2.1])和1年(1.3 [0.6,2.1]),以及在患者报告的成功率(相对风险[95%CI])的第6周(2.8 [1.1,7.1]),6个月(1.5 [1.5 [ 1.1,2.1])和1年(1.5 [1.1,1.9])。结论在6个月时FAAM改变的主要结局中,uPOD + PT没有明显的益处。次要结局和PP分析表明uPOD + PT的其他益处,主要是在完成治疗的患者中观察到的。试用注册可能于2013年5月24日在www.clinicaltrials.gov(NCT01865734)上进行注册。6,2.1])和1年(1.3 [0.6,2.1]),以及在患者报告的成功(相对风险[95%CI])的情况下,第6周(2.8 [1.1,7.1]),6个月(1.5 [1.1] ,2.1])和1年(1.5 [1.1,1.9])。结论在6个月时FAAM改变的主要结局中,uPOD + PT没有明显的益处。次要结局和PP分析表明uPOD + PT的其他益处,主要是在完成治疗的患者中观察到的。试用注册可能于2013年5月24日在www.clinicaltrials.gov(NCT01865734)上进行注册。6,2.1])和1年(1.3 [0.6,2.1]),以及在患者报告的成功(相对风险[95%CI])的情况下,第6周(2.8 [1.1,7.1]),6个月(1.5 [1.1] ,2.1])和1年(1.5 [1.1,1.9])。结论在6个月时FAAM改变的主要结局中,uPOD + PT没有明显的益处。次要结局和PP分析表明uPOD + PT的其他益处,主要是在完成治疗的患者中观察到的。试用注册可能于2013年5月24日在www.clinicaltrials.gov(NCT01865734)上进行注册。次要结局和PP分析表明uPOD + PT的其他益处,主要是在完成治疗的患者中观察到的。试用注册可能于2013年5月24日在www.clinicaltrials.gov(NCT01865734)上进行注册。次要结局和PP分析表明uPOD + PT的其他益处,主要是在完成治疗的患者中观察到的。试用注册可能于2013年5月24日在www.clinicaltrials.gov(NCT01865734)上进行注册。