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Cost-effectiveness of Screening Program for Chronic Q Fever, the Netherlands.
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.3201/eid2602.181772
Pieter T. de Boer , Marit M.A. de Lange , Cornelia C.H. Wielders , Frederika Dijkstra , Sonja E. van Roeden , Chantal P. Bleeker-Rovers , Jan Jelrik Oosterheert , Peter M. Schneeberger , Wim van der Hoek

In the aftermath of a large Q fever (QF) epidemic in the Netherlands during 2007-2010, new chronic QF (CQF) patients continue to be detected. We developed a health-economic decision model to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a 1-time screening program for CQF 7 years after the epidemic. The model was parameterized with spatial data on QF notifications for the Netherlands, prevalence data from targeted screening studies, and clinical data from the national QF database. The cost-effectiveness of screening varied substantially among subpopulations and geographic areas. Screening that focused on cardiovascular risk patients in areas with high QF incidence during the epidemic ranged from cost-saving to €31,373 per quality-adjusted life year gained, depending on the method to estimate the prevalence of CQF. The cost per quality-adjusted life year of mass screening of all older adults was €70,000 in the most optimistic scenario.


荷兰慢性 Q 热筛查计划的成本效益。

2007-2010年荷兰Q热(QF)大规模流行后,不断发现新的慢性QF(CQF)患者。我们开发了一个健康经济决策模型来评估疫情发生 7 年后 CQF 一次性筛查计划的成本效益。该模型使用荷兰 QF 通知的空间数据、针对性筛查研究的患病率数据以及国家 QF 数据库的临床数据进行参数化。筛查的成本效益在亚人群和地理区域之间存在很大差异。在疫情期间,针对 QF 发病率高地区的心血管风险患者进行筛查,每增加质量调整生命年可节省成本至 31,373 欧元,具体取决于估计 CQF 患病率的方法。在最乐观的情况下,对所有老年人进行大规模筛查的每个质量调整生命年的成本为 70,000 欧元。