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Toward dormant seeding of rainfed chickpea as an adaptation strategy to sustain productivity in response to changing climate
Field Crops Research ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2019.107674
Seyed Reza Amiri , Reza Deihimfard , Hamed Eyni-Nargeseh

Abstract Dormant seeding management (DSM) is a useful adaptation strategy to sustain chickpea grain yield particularly under climate change. Accordingly, the SSM-Legumes model was employed to evaluate the effects of DSM versus fixed sowing dates (at three levels) and cultivars (early-, mid- and late-maturity) on chickpea production and water use efficiency in eight locations in west and northwest of Iran. Daily climatic data from 1980 to 2010 was collected from the Meteorological Organization of Iran as baseline. Projections of the future climate was accomplished in Miroc5 (Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate) GCM for the future of 2040–2070 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios using the methodology presented by AgMIP (Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project). The results showed that DSM2 (dormant seeding around late February) × a mid-maturity cultivar produced much higher grain yield (1382 kg ha−1) in comparison to other combinations of sowing dates and cultivars in baseline. However, in the future, ILC482 × DSM1 (dormant seeding around 20 December) showed the best performance in terms of grain yield (1350 and 1484 kg ha−1 for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. Results also indicated that water use efficiency was much higher in DSM1 and DSM2 (3.6 and 4.6 kg ha−1 mm−1, respectively) compared to the fixed sowing dates in baseline. However, combination of DSM2 × ILC482 in baseline, resulted in 1.3 kg ha−1 mm−1 greater water use efficiency than DSM1 × ILC482. In the future, ILC482 cultivar under DSM1 showed highest water use efficiency (5.2 and 5.8 kg ha−1 mm−1 for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively). Overall, DSM in combination of a mid-maturity cultivar under climate change could be considered as a suitable adaptation strategy to increase the length of growing season, coincide winter and early-spring rainfalls with the critical period of chickpea growth and consequently increase grain yield and water use efficiency.



摘要 休眠种子管理 (DSM) 是一种有用的适应策略,可在气候变化下维持鹰嘴豆产量。因此,采用 SSM-Legumes 模型来评估 DSM 与固定播种日期(三个水平)和品种(早熟、中熟和晚熟)对西部和西部八个地点的鹰嘴豆生产和水分利用效率的影响。伊朗西北部。从伊朗气象组织收集 1980 年至 2010 年的每日气候数据作为基线。未来气候的预测是在 Miroc5(气候跨学科研究模型)GCM 中针对 2040-2070 年在 RCP4.5 和 RCP8.5 排放情景下使用 AgMIP(农业模型比对和改进项目)提出的方法完成的。结果表明,与其他播种日期和基线品种的组合相比,DSM2(2 月下旬左右的休眠播种)×中成熟品种产生了更高的谷物产量(1382 kg ha-1)。然而,在未来,ILC482 × DSM1(12 月 20 日左右的休眠播种)在谷物产量方面表现最佳(RCP4.5 和 RCP8.5 分别为 1350 和 1484 kg ha-1。结果还表明用水与基线中的固定播种日期相比,DSM1 和 DSM2 的效率要高得多(分别为 3.6 和 4.6 kg ha-1 mm-1)。然而,基线中 DSM2 × ILC482 的组合导致 1.3 kg ha-1 mm- 1 比 DSM1 × ILC482 更高的水分利用效率。未来,DSM1 下的 ILC482 品种表现出最高的水分利用效率(RCP4.5 和 RCP8.5 分别为 5.2 和 5.8 kg ha−1 mm−1)。总体而言,