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Microbial load and antibiotic resistance in raw beef preparations from northwest Spain
Food Science & Nutrition ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-26 , DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.1319
María González-Gutiérrez 1, 2 , Camino García-Fernández 1, 2 , Carlos Alonso-Calleja 1, 2 , Rosa Capita 1, 2

Beef preparations (meatballs, minced meat, hamburgers, white sausages, and red sausages) from northwest Spain were tested. Microbial counts ranged from 0.70 ± 0.00 log10 cfu/g (enterococci) to 9.57 ± 0.37 log10 cfu/g (psychrotrophs). In 73.3% of cases, total aerobic counts were higher than the microbiological limits set for the end of the manufacturing process in the European Union (EU Regulation 2073/2005). Forty Escherichia coli isolates were tested against thirteen clinically important antibiotics (disk diffusion method; CLSI). Three of the strains (7.5%) were susceptible to all the antibiotics, four (10.0%) showed resistance or reduced susceptibility to one antibiotic, and 33 (82.5%) were multiresistant (with resistance or reduced susceptibility to between two and eight antibiotics), with an average of 1.85 resistances per strain. The highest rates of resistance were observed for two antimicrobials widely used on cattle farms (cefalotin and tetracycline). The findings in this research emphasize the need to correctly handle beef preparations with the aim of reducing risks to consumers.



对来自西班牙西北部的牛肉制品(肉丸、肉末、汉堡包、白香肠和红香肠)进行了测试。微生物计数范围为 0.70 ± 0.00 log 10 cfu/g(肠球菌)至 9.57 ± 0.37 log 10 cfu/g(嗜冷菌)。在 73.3% 的情况下,总需氧菌数高于欧盟为生产过程结束设定的微生物限度(欧盟法规 2073/2005)。对 40 株大肠杆菌分离株进行了针对 13 种临床重要抗生素的测试(纸片扩散法;CLSI)。其中 3 株 (7.5%) 对所有抗生素均敏感,4 株 (10.0%) 对一种抗生素表现出耐药性或敏感性降低,33 株 (82.5%) 具有多重耐药性(对 2 至 8 种抗生素具有耐药性或敏感性降低) ,每个菌株的平均抗性为 1.85。养牛场广泛使用的两种抗菌药物(头孢噻吩和四环素)的耐药率最高。这项研究的结果强调需要正确处理牛肉制品,以减少消费者面临的风险。