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Connecting knowledge with action for health equity: a critical interpretive synthesis of promising practices.
International Journal for Equity in Health ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-26 , DOI: 10.1186/s12939-019-1108-x
Katrina M Plamondon 1 , C Susana Caxaj 2 , Ian D Graham 3 , Joan L Bottorff 1

Connecting knowledge with action (KWA) for health equity involves interventions that can redistribute power and resources at local, national, and global levels. Although there is ample and compelling evidence on the nature, distribution, and impact of health inequities, advancing health equity is inhibited by policy arenas shaped by colonial legacies and neoliberal ideology. Effective progress toward health equity requires attention to evidence that can promote the kind of socio-political restructuring needed to address root causes of health inequities. In this critical interpretive synthesis, results of a recent scoping review were broadened to identify evidence-informed promising practices for KWA for health equity. Following screening procedures, 10 literature reviews and 22 research studies were included in the synthesis. Analysis involved repeated readings of these 32 articles to extract descriptive data, assess clarity and quality, and identify promising practices. Four distinct kinds of promising practices for connecting KWA for health equity were identified and included: ways of structuring systems, ways of working together, and ways of doing research and ways of doing knowledge translation. Our synthesis reveals that advancing health equity requires greater awareness, dialogue, and action that aligns with the what is known about the causes of health inequities. By critically reflecting on dominant discourses and assumptions, and mobilizing political will from a more informed and transparent democratic exercise, knowledge to action for health equity can be achieved.



将知识与行动联系起来以实现健康公平涉及可以在地方、国家和全球层面重新分配权力和资源的干预措施。尽管有充足且令人信服的证据证明健康不平等的性质、分布和影响,但殖民遗产和新自由主义意识形态塑造的政策领域阻碍了健康公平的推进。要在健康公平方面取得有效进展,需要关注能够促进解决健康不平等根源所需的社会政治重组的证据。在这一关键的解释性综合中,最近的范围界定审查结果得到了扩展,以确定 KWA 在健康公平方面有希望的循证实践。经过筛选程序,综合中纳入了 10 篇文献综述和 22 项研究。分析涉及重复阅读这 32 篇文章,以提取描述性数据、评估清晰度和质量,并确定有前景的实践。确定并包括了将 KWA 连接起来以实现健康公平的四种不同的有前景的做法:构建系统的方式、合作的方式、研究的方式和知识转化的方式。我们的综合分析表明,推进健康公平需要提高认识、对话和行动,以与已知的健康不平等原因相一致。通过批判性地反思主流话语和假设,并通过更加知情和透明的民主实践来调动政治意愿,可以实现健康公平的知识付诸行动。