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Diagnosis and management of a giant ovarian cyst in the gravid-puerperium period: a case report.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-26 , DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2678-8
Sibraogo Kiemtoré 1, 2 , Hyacinthe Zamané 1, 2 , Yobi Alexis Sawadogo 1 , Rodrigue Sansan Sib 3 , Evelyne Komboigo 2 , Ali Ouédraogo 1 , Blandine Bonané 1, 2

BACKGROUND Giant ovarian cyst is very rare in gravid-puerperium period. It is a cause of a maternal-fetal morbidity. We report a case of a giant benign ovarian cyst in gravid-puerperium period which was diagnosed and managed in a hospital of a low-resource country. CASE PRESENTATION Data were collected by historical review, clinical examination, laboratory investigations, imaging examination, and by histopathological study of the excised surgical specimen. It is the case of a 25-year-old woman who was third gravida and third para with unknown pathological history. After she had given birth through vagina, a giant ovarian cyst, unknown during pregnancy, was diagnosed. A left oophorectomy carrying the cyst was performed after laparotomy in Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital Center of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The cyst was 42 cm long and weighed 19.7 kg. The histology of the operative specimen revealed serous cystadenoma of the ovary. The postoperative course was uneventful. CONCLUSION This case reports that vaginal delivery is possible with a giant ovarian cyst associated with pregnancy. Surgical management of the cyst can be performed in the postpartum with satisfaction.



背景技术在妊娠期和产褥期,巨大的卵巢囊肿非常罕见。这是母婴发病率的原因。我们报告一例在妊娠期-产褥期发生巨大卵巢良性囊肿的病例,该病例在资源贫乏国家的一家医院中被诊断和处理。病例表述通过历史回顾,临床检查,实验室检查,影像学检查以及切除的手术标本的组织病理学研究来收集数据。一名25岁的妇女就是这样,她是第三胎和第三段,病史不明。她通过阴道分娩后,被诊断出一个巨大的卵巢囊肿,在怀孕期间未知。在瓦加杜古(布基纳法索)的Yalgado Ouedraogo大学医院中心进行剖腹手术后,进行了带囊肿的左侧卵巢切除术。囊肿长42厘米,重19.7千克。手术标本的组织学表现为卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤。术后过程很顺利。结论该病例报道,与妊娠相关的巨大卵巢囊肿可能经阴道分娩。可以在产后满意地进行囊肿的外科治疗。