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The interactive effect of copper(II) and conspecific alarm substances on behavioural responses of zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Behavioural Brain Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112452
Ali Pilehvar 1 , Raewyn M Town 1 , Ronny Blust 1

Environmental contaminants such as metal ions can have detrimental effects on aquatic organisms at the molecular, organismal and population levels. In the present work, we examined the interactive effect of Cu(II) and conspecific alarm substance on zebrafish behavioural responses utilizing the novel tank diving assay. To this end, 3 novel tank diving tests (on day 0, 3 and 10 of the experimental phase) were conducted on zebrafish in 4 experimental groups: (1) control: no Cu(II) and no alarm substance, (2) Cu(II) only: exposed to 0.78 μM Cu(II) (25 % of the 240 h LC50) in the home tank for 10 days, (3) alarm substance only: exposed to alarm substance for 6 min concomitant with behavioural testing, and (4) Cu(II) + alarm substance: exposed to 0.78 μM Cu(II) in the home tank for 10 days and treated with alarm substance for 6 min during the behavioural testing. Results showed robust habituation response of zebrafish. Exposure to Cu(II) did not affect the behavioural phenotypes of zebrafish in the novel tank diving test or habituation responses. Alarm substance treatment evoked strong anxiety-like behaviour. Finally, zebrafish in the Cu(II) + alarm substance group lost their sensitivity to alarm substance in repeated novel tank assays throughout the concomitant Cu(II) exposure; this observation is tentatively ascribed to Cu(II)-induced olfactory impairment.


铜(II)和特定警报物质对斑马鱼(Danio rerio)行为反应的交互作用。

诸如金属离子之类的环境污染物可能在分子,生物和种群水平上对水生生物产生有害影响。在目前的工作中,我们使用新型的油箱潜水试验研究了Cu(II)和特定警报物质对斑马鱼行为反应的相互作用。为此,在4个实验组的斑马鱼上进行了3次新的储罐潜水测试(在实验阶段的第0、3和10天):( 1)对照:无Cu(II)和无警报物质,(2)Cu (II):仅在家用储罐中暴露于0.78μMCu(II)(240小时LC50的25%)达10天,(3)仅警报物质:与行为测试一起暴露于警报物质达6分钟,并且(4)铜(II)+报警物质:暴露于0。在家用储罐中放入78μMCu(II)放置10天,并在行为测试期间用报警物质处理6分钟。结果表明,斑马鱼有很强的适应性反应。暴露于铜(II)不会影响在新型坦克潜水测试或习惯性反应中的斑马鱼的行为表型。报警物质治疗引起强烈的焦虑样行为。最终,在伴随铜(II)暴露的整个过程中,重复进行的新型储罐分析中,Cu(II)+警报物质组中的斑马鱼对警报物质失去了敏感性。该观察结果暂时归因于Cu(II)引起的嗅觉障碍。报警物质治疗引起强烈的焦虑样行为。最后,在伴随铜(II)暴露的整个过程中,重复进行的新型水槽试验中,Cu(II)+警报物质组中的斑马鱼对警报物质失去了敏感性。该观察结果暂时归因于Cu(II)引起的嗅觉障碍。报警物质治疗引起强烈的焦虑样行为。最终,在伴随铜(II)暴露的整个过程中,重复进行的新型储罐分析中,Cu(II)+警报物质组中的斑马鱼对警报物质失去了敏感性。该观察结果暂时归因于Cu(II)引起的嗅觉障碍。