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Relationship Between Olfactory Disturbance After Acute Ischemic Stroke and Latent Thalamic Hypoperfusion.
Chemical Senses ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-24 , DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjz077
Kazuhiro Okamoto 1 , Hideaki Shiga 2 , Hisako Nakamura 3 , Makoto Matsui 4 , Takaki Miwa 2

Odor detection, recognition and identification were assessed in 19 acute ischemic stroke patients who had no MRI-detectable thalamic lesions but in whom technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer single photon emission tomography revealed thalamic hypoperfusion. Although these patients were unaware of reduced olfactory function, they exhibited significantly lower scores in tests for odor identification and recognition threshold as compared to 9 ischemic stroke controls that had normal thalamic hypoperfusion. However, absolute odor detection thresholds were similar in the two groups. These results demonstrate the usefulness of cerebral perfusion scintigraphy in assessing sensory loss after ischemic stroke and provide further evidence for the role of the thalamus in olfaction.


