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Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women's views about care during labor and birth.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2675-y
Barbara Baranowska 1 , Antonina Doroszewska 2 , Urszula Kubicka-Kraszyńska 3 , Joanna Pietrusiewicz 4 , Iwona Adamska-Sala 4 , Anna Kajdy 5 , Dorota Sys 5 , Urszula Tataj-Puzyna 6 , Grażyna Bączek 6 , Susan Crowther 7

BACKGROUND Abuse against women in labor starts with subtle forms of discrimination that can turn into overt violence. Therefore it is crucial to work towards prevention and elimination of disrespect and ill-treatment in medical facility perinatal care in which staff allows such abuse. The aim of the study was to analyze the experiences of women related to perinatal care. Special emphasis was put on experiences that had traits indicating disrespectful and offensive care during childbirth in medical facilities providing perinatal care. METHODS This was a cross-sectional survey. A questionnaire was prepared for respondents who gave birth in medical facilities. Information about the study was posted on the website of a non-governmental foundation dealing with projects aimed at improving perinatal care. The respondents gave online consent for processing the submitted data. 8378 questionnaires were submitted. The study was carried out between February 06 and March 20, 2018. The results were analyzed using the Chi-square independence test. The analysis was carried out at the significance level of 0.05 in Excel, R and SPSS. RESULTS During their hospital stay, 81% of women in the study experienced violence or abuse from medical staff on at least one occasion. The most common abuse was having medical procedures without prior consent. Inappropriate comments made by staff related to their own or a woman's situation were reported in 25% of situations, whilst 20% of women experienced nonchalant treatment. In the study 19.3% of women reported that the staff did not properly care for their intimacy and 1.7% of the respondents said that the worst treatment was related to feeling anonymous in the hospital. CONCLUSIONS The study shows that during Polish perinatal care women experience disrespectful and abusive care. Most abuse and disrespect involved violation of the right to privacy, the right to information, the right to equal treatment, and the right to freedom from violence. The low awareness of abuses and complaints reported in the study may result from women's ignorance about relevant laws related to human rights.



背景 对临产妇女的虐待始于微妙形式的歧视,最终可能演变成公然的暴力。因此,努力预防和消除医疗机构围产期护理中工作人员允许此类虐待的不尊重和虐待行为至关重要。该研究的目的是分析妇女与围产期护理相关的经历。特别强调的是在提供围产期护理的医疗机构中,在分娩过程中存在不尊重和冒犯性护理的经历。方法 这是一项横断面调查。为在医疗机构分娩的受访者准备了一份调查问卷。有关该研究的信息发布在一个致力于改善围产期护理项目的非政府基金会的网站上。受访者在线同意处理提交的数据。共提交问卷 8378 份。该研究于2018年2月6日至3月20日期间进行。使用卡方独立性检验对结果进行分析。在Excel、R和SPSS中以0.05的显着性水平进行分析。结果 研究中 81% 的女性在住院期间至少遭受过一次医务人员的暴力或虐待。最常见的滥用行为是未经事先同意进行医疗程序。据报道,25% 的情况下,工作人员对自己或女性的处境做出了不当评论,而 20% 的女性则受到了漠不关心的对待。在这项研究中,19.3% 的女性表示工作人员没有适当照顾她们的亲密关系,1.7% 的受访者表示最糟糕的待遇与在医院感到匿名有关。 结论 研究表明,在波兰围产期护理期间,妇女遭受不尊重和虐待的护理。大多数虐待和不尊重行为涉及侵犯隐私权、信息权、平等待遇权和免遭暴力的权利。研究中报告的对虐待和投诉的认识较低可能是由于妇女对人权相关法律的无知造成的。