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Viral emergence and immune interplay in flavivirus vaccines.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( IF 36.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(19)30697-8
Carlo Fischer 1 , Edmilson F de Oliveira-Filho 1 , Jan Felix Drexler 2

Among arthropod-borne viruses, flaviviruses have had the strongest impact on public health in the past centuries, dating back to large yellow fever outbreaks recorded since the 17th century. Nowadays, dengue virus alone infects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. In the past decade, Zika virus emerged across Latin America, and large outbreaks of yellow fever virus occurred in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Brazil. Since antiviral treatments are either unavailable or ineffective if administered too late, vaccination is key to combat the growing flavivirus burden. Widely used vaccines exist against human pathogenic flaviviruses including Japanese encephalitis virus in Asia, tick-borne encephalitis virus in Europe and northern Asia, and yellow fever virus in tropical and subtropical regions. By 2019, the tetravalent dengue vaccine CYD-TDV was licensed in 20 countries. Multiple other vaccines against dengue virus, Zika virus, and West Nile virus have also entered clinical trials.



在节肢动物传播的病毒中,黄病毒在过去的几个世纪中对公共卫生的影响最大,其历史可追溯到17世纪以来的大黄热病爆发。如今,仅登革热病毒就感染了全球数亿人。在过去的十年中,寨卡病毒在整个拉丁美洲出现,在安哥拉,刚果民主共和国和巴西爆发了黄热病病毒大爆发。, 由于无法及时使用抗病毒治疗或无效,因此接种疫苗是对抗日益增长的黄病毒负担的关键。存在广泛使用的针对人类致病性黄病毒的疫苗,包括亚洲的日本脑炎病毒,欧洲和北亚的tick传脑炎病毒以及热带和亚热带地区的黄热病病毒。到2019年,四价登革热疫苗CYD-TDV已在20个国家/地区获得许可。其他针对登革热病毒,寨卡病毒和西尼罗河病毒的其他疫苗也已进入临床试验。