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Clay and alunite-rich materials in painting grounds of prominent Italian masters – Caravaggio and Mattia Preti
Applied Clay Science ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2019.105412
David Hradil , Janka Hradilová , Giancarlo Lanterna , Monica Galeotti , Katarína Holcová , Victory Jaques , Petr Bezdička

Abstract Recently, the fine arts' research is increasingly carried out by non-invasive techniques, which do not require any sampling. However, some questions cannot be answered in this way. A typical example is the provenance analysis of the natural materials used in historical paintings. Another question is how much the provenance of the material is related to the provenance of the artwork itself (because of trade with pigments, painters' migration and their artistic preferences). Often, only painter's preference and intention are mentioned, and not economic factors and regional availability of the raw material. This is also the case of clay-based preparatory layers (grounds) on Caravaggio's paintings. In order to prove a connection of the ground composition with the place of the painting's creation, the painting grounds used by two prominent Baroque Masters Caravaggio and Mattia Preti have been investigated using X-ray powder micro-diffraction and Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy in combination with micro-palaentological analysis. It was found that grounds applied by the same painter, but in two closely related regions – Italy and Malta, differ. While pottery clays were used in Italy, weathered Globigerina limestones were applied in Malta in combination with alunite-hematite material. It is the first time ever that such material has been identified as a main component in painting grounds.


意大利著名大师卡拉瓦乔和马蒂亚·普雷蒂 (Mattia Preti) 的绘画场地中富含粘土和铝矾土的材料

摘要 近年来,美术研究越来越多地采用非侵入性技术进行,不需要任何采样。但是,有些问题无法以这种方式回答。一个典型的例子是对历史绘画中使用的天然材料的来源分析。另一个问题是材料的出处与艺术品本身的出处有多大关系(因为与颜料的交易、画家的迁移和他们的艺术偏好)。通常,只提到画家的偏好和意图,而不是经济因素和原材料的区域可用性。卡拉瓦乔画作上以粘土为基础的准备层(地面)也是如此。为了证明地面构图与绘画创作地点的联系,两位著名的巴洛克大师卡拉瓦乔和马蒂亚·普雷蒂使用的绘画场地已经使用 X 射线粉末微衍射和傅里叶变换红外微光谱结合微古生物学分析进行了研究。结果发现,同一画家在两个密切相关的地区——意大利和马耳他——所适用的理由不同。意大利使用陶土,而马耳他则使用风化的 Globigerina 石灰石与明矾石-赤铁矿材料结合使用。这是有史以来第一次将这种材料确定为绘画场地的主要成分。结果发现,同一画家在两个密切相关的地区——意大利和马耳他——所适用的理由不同。意大利使用陶土,而马耳他则使用风化的 Globigerina 石灰石与明矾石-赤铁矿材料结合使用。这是有史以来第一次将这种材料确定为绘画场地的主要成分。结果发现,同一画家在两个密切相关的地区——意大利和马耳他——所适用的理由不同。意大利使用陶土,而马耳他则使用风化的 Globigerina 石灰石与明矾石-赤铁矿材料结合使用。这是有史以来第一次将这种材料确定为绘画场地的主要成分。