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Emotion semantics show both cultural variation and universal structure
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw8160
Joshua Conrad Jackson 1 , Joseph Watts 2, 3, 4, 5 , Teague R Henry 1 , Johann-Mattis List 2 , Robert Forkel 2 , Peter J Mucha 6, 7 , Simon J Greenhill 2, 8 , Russell D Gray 2, 9 , Kristen A Lindquist 1

The diverse way that languages convey emotion It is unclear whether emotion terms have the same meaning across cultures. Jackson et al. examined nearly 2500 languages to determine the degree of similarity in linguistic networks of 24 emotion terms across cultures (see the Perspective by Majid). There were low levels of similarity, and thus high variability, in the meaning of emotion terms across cultures. Similarity of emotion terms could be predicted on the basis of the geographic proximity of the languages they originate from, their hedonic valence, and the physiological arousal they evoke. Science, this issue p. 1517; see also p. 1444 Analysis of the terms used for emotions across a sample of 2474 spoken languages reveals low similarity across cultures. Many human languages have words for emotions such as “anger” and “fear,” yet it is not clear whether these emotions have similar meanings across languages, or why their meanings might vary. We estimate emotion semantics across a sample of 2474 spoken languages using “colexification”—a phenomenon in which languages name semantically related concepts with the same word. Analyses show significant variation in networks of emotion concept colexification, which is predicted by the geographic proximity of language families. We also find evidence of universal structure in emotion colexification networks, with all families differentiating emotions primarily on the basis of hedonic valence and physiological activation. Our findings contribute to debates about universality and diversity in how humans understand and experience emotion.



语言传达情感的不同方式 目前尚不清楚情感术语在不同文化中是否具有相同的含义。杰克逊等人。检查了近 2500 种语言,以确定跨文化的 24 个情感术语的语言网络中的相似程度(参见 Majid 的观点)。跨文化的情感术语的含义具有较低的相似性,因此具有较高的可变性。情感术语的相似性可以根据它们起源的语言的地理邻近性、它们的享乐效价以及它们引起的生理唤醒来预测。科学,这个问题 p。1517; 另见第。1444 对 2474 种口语样本中用于情绪的术语的分析表明,跨文化的相似性较低。许多人类语言都有表达情绪的词,例如“愤怒”和“恐惧,”但尚不清楚这些情绪在不同语言中是否具有相似的含义,或者为什么它们的含义可能会有所不同。我们使用“colexification”来估计 2474 种口语样本中的情感语义——一种语言使用相同单词命名语义相关概念的现象。分析显示情感概念共存网络的显着变化,这是由语言家族的地理邻近性预测的。我们还发现了情绪共存网络中普遍结构的证据,所有家庭主要根据享乐效价和生理激活来区分情绪。我们的发现有助于关于人类如何理解和体验情绪的普遍性和多样性的辩论。我们使用“colexification”来估计 2474 种口语样本中的情感语义——这是一种语言使用相同单词命名语义相关概念的现象。分析显示情感概念共存网络的显着变化,这是由语言家族的地理邻近性预测的。我们还发现了情绪共存网络中普遍结构的证据,所有家庭主要根据享乐效价和生理激活来区分情绪。我们的发现有助于关于人类如何理解和体验情绪的普遍性和多样性的辩论。我们使用“colexification”来估计 2474 种口语样本中的情感语义——一种语言使用相同单词命名语义相关概念的现象。分析显示情感概念共存网络的显着变化,这是由语言家族的地理邻近性预测的。我们还发现了情绪共存网络中普遍结构的证据,所有家庭主要根据享乐效价和生理激活来区分情绪。我们的发现有助于关于人类如何理解和体验情绪的普遍性和多样性的辩论。分析显示情感概念共存网络的显着变化,这是由语言家族的地理邻近性预测的。我们还发现了情绪共存网络中普遍结构的证据,所有家庭主要根据享乐效价和生理激活来区分情绪。我们的发现有助于关于人类如何理解和体验情绪的普遍性和多样性的辩论。分析显示情感概念共存网络的显着变化,这是由语言家族的地理邻近性预测的。我们还发现了情绪共存网络中普遍结构的证据,所有家庭主要根据享乐效价和生理激活来区分情绪。我们的发现有助于关于人类如何理解和体验情绪的普遍性和多样性的辩论。