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Youth sport specialisation: the need for an evidence-based definition
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101256
Neeru Jayanthi 1 , Stephanie A Kliethermes 2 , Jean Côté 3

Sport specialisation, conceptually understood to involve mono-training and repetition for the purpose of skill acquisition and athlete development for a single sport, is increasingly common in youth sports. However, it has not always been this way. Over the past 30 years, research on expertise and skill acquisition has profoundly influenced the focus and structure of youth sport programme. Particularly, Ericsson, Kramp and Tesch-Romer’s (1993) work in music renewed research interests related to the importance of deliberate practice in the development of expertise.1 Some studies in sport, using retrospective questionnaires, suggested that high volume of intense, sport-specific practice at a young age is necessary to attain expertise in one sport.2 This body of research has promoted the idea that a large quantity of intense sport-specific practice and early specialisation is a logical pathway towards adult elite sport performance, and has contributed to the popularity of youth sport specialisation. Simultaneously, biographical studies of elite level athletes suggested that their childhood sport experiences involved sport-specific practice, and play activities and engagement in various sports. In contrast with the early specialisation approach, Cote (1999) defined sampling as an early sport participation environment characterised by diversity, both within (eg, play, practice) and between sports.3 Considering both distinctive lines of research led to equivocal results, Cote, Ericsson and Law (2005) …



体育专业化,从概念上理解为涉及单一训练和重复,目的是获得一项运动的技能和运动员发展,在青年运动中越来越普遍。然而,情况并非一直如此。在过去的 30 年中,对专业知识和技能获取的研究深刻影响了青少年体育项目的重点和结构。特别是,Ericsson、Kramp 和 Tesch-Romer (1993) 在音乐方面的工作重新激发了与刻意练习在专业知识发展中的重要性相关的研究兴趣。 1 一些使用回顾性问卷调查的体育研究表明,大量的高强度运动——需要在年轻时进行特定练习才能获得一项运动的专业知识。2 这一系列研究促进了这样一种观点,即大量高强度的特定运动练习和早期专业化是通向成人精英运动表现的合乎逻辑的途径,并促进了青年体育专业化的普及。同时,对精英水平运动员的传记研究表明,他们的童年运动经历涉及特定运动的实践,以及参与各种运动的活动和参与。与早期的专业化方法相反,Cote (1999) 将抽样定义为一种早期体育参与环境,其特点是在运动内部(例如,游戏、练习)和运动之间具有多样性。3 考虑到两种不同的研究方向导致了模棱两可的结果,Cote , Ericsson and Law (2005) … 并为青少年体育专业的普及做出了贡献。同时,对精英水平运动员的传记研究表明,他们的童年运动经历涉及特定运动的实践,以及参与各种运动的活动和参与。与早期的专业化方法相比,Cote (1999) 将抽样定义为一种早期体育参与环境,其特点是在运动内部(例如,游戏、练习)和运动之间具有多样性。 3 考虑到两种不同的研究方向导致了模棱两可的结果,Cote , Ericsson and Law (2005) … 并为青少年体育专业的普及做出了贡献。同时,对精英水平运动员的传记研究表明,他们的童年运动经历涉及特定运动的实践,以及参与各种运动的活动和参与。与早期的专业化方法相反,Cote (1999) 将抽样定义为一种早期体育参与环境,其特点是在运动内部(例如,游戏、练习)和运动之间具有多样性。3 考虑到两种不同的研究方向导致了模棱两可的结果,Cote , Ericsson and Law (2005) …