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The effects of occupational pollutants on the reproductive health of female informal street traders in Warwick junction, Durban, South Africa - a cross-sectional study.
BMC Women's Health Pub Date : 2019-12-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s12905-019-0854-7
Sujatha Hariparsad 1 , Rajen N Naidoo 1

BACKGROUND Informal street traders are exposed on a daily basis to traffic emissions and biomass fuel smoke containing a variety of pollutants. These exposures are likely to place the female traders at increased risk for adverse reproductive outcomes. AIM The aim of this study was to compare the reproductive outcomes among street traders exposed to pollutants from their work-related activities and traders without such exposure. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted among 305 female traders selected from exposed and non-exposed areas within the Warwick Junction trading hub, located in Durban, South Africa. Validated reproductive questionnaires and clinical assessments were conducted on all participants. Adverse reproductive outcomes such as low birth weight, spontaneous abortions and infertility were assessed. RESULTS The mean age of the traders was 43.6 years (SD:12.1), mostly single (63%) and worked in trading hub for an average of 14 years. There were 876 pregnancies reported in the total sample. Traders pregnant while working in this location accounted for 120 pregnancies There was an increased risk of exposed traders having a low birth weight infant as compared to non-exposed traders (OR = 3.7; CI: 1.8, 7.6). Exposed traders were also almost 3 times more likely to be infertile as compared to non-exposed traders (OR = 2.6; CI: 1.6, 4.3). CONCLUSIONS This study has demonstrated that female street traders working within a trading hub in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; exposed to occupational pollutants show an association with developing infertility and low birth weight infants. Recommendations to mitigate adverse exposures have been suggested which include short term safety interventions and better cooking practices and future long term policy interventions.



背景技术非正式街头商贩每天都会暴露于交通排放物和含有多种污染物的生物质燃料烟雾中。这些接触可能会使女性交易者面临更大的不良生殖后果风险。目的 本研究的目的是比较暴露于工作相关活动污染物的街头商贩和未接触过此类污染物的街头商贩的生殖结果。方法 对来自南非德班 Warwick Junction 贸易中心内暴露和非暴露区域的 305 名女性贸易商进行了一项横断面研究。对所有参与者进行了经过验证的生殖问卷调查和临床评估。评估了不良的生殖结果,如低出生体重、自然流产和不孕不育。结果 交易者的平均年龄为 43.6 岁(SD:12.1),大部分为单身(63%),在交易中心工作的平均时间为 14 年。总样本中有 876 人报告怀孕。在此地点工作时怀孕的贸易商中有 120 人怀孕。与未接触过接触的贸易商相比,接触过接触接触的贸易商生出低出生体重婴儿的风险更高(OR = 3.7;CI:1.8、7.6)。与未暴露的交易者相比,暴露的交易者不孕的可能性几乎高出 3 倍(OR = 2.6;CI:1.6,4.3)。结论 这项研究表明,在南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省的一个贸易中心内工作的女性街头商贩;接触职业污染物与不孕症和低出生体重儿的发生有关。已经提出了减轻不良暴露的建议,其中包括短期安全干预措施和更好的烹饪方法以及未来的长期政策干预措施。