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Pyodermatitis Pyostomatitis Vegetans.
JAMA Dermatology ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-18 , DOI: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2019.3515
Soumaya Gara 1 , Asmahane Souissi 1 , Mourad Mokni 1

A man in his 20s presented with a 1-month history of extensive and painful vegetating plaques on the lips and buccal and nasal mucosa. His medical history was notable for Crohn disease treated for the previous 6 years with high doses of sulfasalazine (3000 mg/d). A physical examination revealed multiple friable pustules coalescing into vegetative and erosive plaques with yellow exudate and hemorrhagic crust on the upper and lower labial mucosa. Similar exophytic plaques were noted to involve the nasal mucosa, resulting in complete obstruction of the nostrils and shortness of breath (Figure). The genital mucosa, intertriginous areas, and scalp were spared. General physical examination results and a review of systems were otherwise normal, and findings from laboratory studies were remarkable for peripheral blood eosinophilia. There was no evidence of active gastrointestinal disease at the time of presentation.



一名20多岁的男子在唇部,颊和鼻粘膜上出现了1个月的广泛而痛苦的植物斑块病史。他的病史在过去6年中以高剂量柳氮磺吡啶(3000 mg / d)治疗的克罗恩病中尤为突出。体格检查发现多个脆性脓疱聚结成营养和侵蚀性斑块,上,下唇粘膜上有黄色渗出液和出血性硬皮。注意到类似的外生斑块累及鼻粘膜,导致鼻孔完全阻塞和呼吸急促(图)。生殖器粘膜,三尖瓣区和头皮均未幸免。常规体格检查结果和系统检查原本是正常的,而实验室研究的结果对于外周血嗜酸性粒细胞增多症是显着的。
