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Evaluating the impact of Georgia's hepatitis C elimination plan: lessons learned for the global initiative.
The Lancet Global Health ( IF 19.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-18 , DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(19)30537-6
Yvan Hutin 1 , Niklas Luhmann 1 , Philippa Easterbrook 1

In 2015, Georgia was faced with one of the highest prevalence levels of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection worldwide (5·4%, with 150 000 adults infected). An injection drug use epidemic along with unsafe health-care practices led to large-scale transmission in the 1990s. In 2015, Georgia adopted a plan to eliminate HCV by 2020 (ie, reduce the prevalence of HCV infection by 90% by 2020). Between May, 2015, and February, 2019, there has been progressive scale-up of testing and 54 313 patients have been treated. In The Lancet Global Health, Josephine Walker and collaborators report on a dynamic transmission compartmental model that used Georgian data from the national biomarker survey and two biobehavioural surveys among people who inject drugs. They projected the effect of diagnosis and treatment activities on incidence, prevalence, and mortality and calculated the treatment rates required to reach the 90% prevalence reduction target. The model suggests that compared with 2015, both incidence and prevalence had fallen by 37% and that mortality was reduced by 14%. It also suggests that if Georgia aims to reach its 90% prevalence reduction target by 2020, the treatment initiation rate should be increased from 1000 to 4000 individuals initiating treatment per month. Alternatively, the duration of the programme could be prolonged to 2026.



2015年,格鲁吉亚面临着全世界丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染率最高的疾病之一(5·4%,感染了15万名成年人)。注射毒品的流行与不安全的保健做法一起导致了1990年代的大规模传播。2015年,佐治亚州通过了一项到2020年消除HCV的计划(即,到2020年将HCV感染的患病率降低90%)。, 在2015年5月至2019年2月之间,测试的规模逐步扩大,已经治疗了54 313例患者。在《柳叶刀》全球健康杂志中,约瑟芬·沃克(Josephine Walker)和合作者报告了一种动态传输间隔模型,该模型使用了来自国家生物标志物调查和两次注射毒品者的生物行为调查的格鲁吉亚数据。他们预测了诊断和治疗活动对发病率,患病率和死亡率的影响,并计算了达到90%患病率降低目标所需的治疗率。该模型表明,与2015年相比,发病率和患病率均下降了37%,死亡率降低了14%。它还表明,如果格鲁吉亚的目标是到2020年实现90%的患病率降低目标,则治疗开始率应从每月1000例增加到4000例开始治疗。或者,该计划的持续时间可以延长到2026年。