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Specialty Tough Hydrogels and Their Biomedical Applications.
Advanced Healthcare Materials ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-17 , DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201901396
Stephanie Fuchs 1 , Kaavian Shariati 1 , Minglin Ma 1

Hydrogels have long been explored as attractive materials for biomedical applications given their outstanding biocompatibility, high water content, and versatile fabrication platforms into materials with different physiochemical properties and geometries. Nonetheless, conventional hydrogels suffer from weak mechanical properties, restricting their use in persistent load-bearing applications often required of materials used in medical settings. Thus, the fabrication of mechanically robust hydrogels that can prolong the lifetime of clinically suitable materials under uncompromising in vivo conditions is of great interest. This review focuses on design considerations and strategies to construct such tough hydrogels. Several promising advances in the proposed use of specialty tough hydrogels for soft actuators, drug delivery vehicles, adhesives, coatings, and in tissue engineering settings are highlighted. While challenges remain before these specialty tough hydrogels will be deemed translationally acceptable for clinical applications, promising preliminary results undoubtedly spur great hope in the potential impact this embryonic research field can have on the biomedical community.


