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Bioprospection of indigenous flora grown in copper mining tailing area for phytoremediation of metals.
Journal of Environmental Management ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109953
Thays França Afonso 1 , Carolina Faccio Demarco 1 , Simone Pieniz 1 , Maurizio Silveira Quadro 1 , Flávio A O Camargo 2 , Robson Andreazza 1

The study evaluated plants with phytoremediation potential that occur spontaneously in an area of copper mining tailings in Southern of Brazil. Eleven plant species were investigated for heavy metal concentrations in its biomass. All species showed copper concentrations greater than 100 mg kg-1, and seven species highlighted for copper concentrations between 321 and 586 mg kg-1 and these species showed Cr concentrations between 25 and 440 mg kg-1. The species S. viarum Dunal and B. trimera Less were highlighted showing the highest concentrations of Cr (586 mg kg-1) and Cu (440 mg kg-1), respectively. Seven species showed Pb phytoextraction potential and four species showed Cu phytostabilization potential. It was concluded that the investigated species are adapted to low nutritional conditions and showed tolerance to heavy metals, mainly Cu, Pb and Cr in its biomass.



该研究评估了具有植物修复潜力的植物,这些植物在巴西南部的铜矿尾矿区自发发生。调查了11种植物的生物量中的重金属浓度。所有物种的铜浓度均大于100 mg kg-1,而七个物种的铜浓度在321至586 mg kg-1之间,这些物种的Cr浓度在25至440 mg kg-1之间。高亮物种S. viarum Dunal和B. trimera Less分别显示了最高浓度的Cr(586 mg kg-1)和Cu(440 mg kg-1)。七个物种具有Pb的植物提取潜力,而四个物种具有Cu的植物稳定潜力。结论是所调查的物种适应于低营养条件,并表现出对重金属的耐受性,主要是铜,