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77P The characteristics of long-lasting responders to PD-1 inhibitor in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients
Annals of Oncology ( IF 56.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-15 , DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdz449.031
H. Jo , T. Yoshida , S. Yagishita , Y. Shinno , Y. Okuma , Y. Goto , H. Horinouchi , N. Yamamoto , Y. Ohe

We often experience long-lasting response of PD-1 inhibitor in advanced NSCLC patients. However, the characteristics associated with long-lasting response to PD-1 inhibitor is still unknown. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of patients who showed long-lasting (≥2 years) response to anti-PD-1 antibodies.
We reviewed consecutive advanced NSCLC patients who received a PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy (nivolumab, or pembrolizumab) between December 22, 2015 and May 31, 2017 at National Cancer Center Hospital in Japan. The cut-off date was June 1, 2019. We defined patients who obtained clinical benefit for more than 6 months as “Responders”. Among them, those who had a durable response for more than 2 years were defined as “Long-term responders” (LTR), and those who responded or shorter than 2 years as “Non-LTR”. We investigated the patient baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of anti-PD-1 monotherapy including objective response rate (ORR) and maximal tumor shrinkage. Tumor response was assessed by RECIST version 1.1. The PD-L1 expression on tumor cells was assessed by using 22C3 antibody.
A total of 232 patients were included in this analysis. Responders accounted for 37.9 % (88 out of 232). Of these patients, 31 (35.2%) were LTR group and 57 (64.8 %) were non-LTR group. At the time of data cut off, 22 (71.0%) of 31 patients in LTR group showed lasting response of PD-1 inhibitor. There were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics such as age, sex, performance status, driver mutation, clinical stage, and smoking status. Regarding histological distribution, non-squamous cell histology was more common in the LTR group (68% vs. 90%, P = 0.021). The ORR in the LTR group was significantly higher than non-LTR group (80.6% vs. 32.0%, P <0.0001). The median tumor shrinkage (range) in the LTR group was also significantly higher than that in the non-LTR group [72.8 (range: 6.8-100)% vs 48.7(range: 3.9-100)% (P=0.0002)]. In contrast, no difference was found in the PD-L1 expression between two groups (P = 0.213).
Long-lasting response of PD-1 inhibitor was particularly characterized by high tumor shrinkage in patients who had response to PD-1 inhibitors.
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The authors.
Has not received any funding.
Y. Okuma: Research grant / Funding (institution): Takeda; Research grant / Funding (institution): Chugai. Y. Goto: Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: AstraZeneca; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Eli Lilly; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: Chugai; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Taiho; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: Boehringer Ingelheim; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): ONO; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Bristol Myers Squibb; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Pfizer; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: MSD; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: Shionogi; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Novartis; Advisory / Consultancy: Glaxo Smith Kline; Advisory / Consultancy: Guardant Hearlth; Research grant / Funding (institution): Abbvie; Research grant / Funding (institution): Dai-ichi Sankyo; Research grant / Funding (institution): Kyorin. H. Horinouchi: Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: Eli Lilly; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Chugai; Advisory / Consultancy: Boehringer Ingelheim; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Novartis; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: AstraZaneca; Advisory / Consultancy, Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): MSD; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Taiho; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): ONO; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Bristol Myers Squibb; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: Kyowa-kirin; Research grant / Funding (institution): Abbvie; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: Dai-ichi Sankyo; Research grant / Funding (institution): Kyorin; Research grant / Funding (institution): Genomic Health. N. Yamamoto: Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): Eisai; Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): Takeda; Advisory / Consultancy: Otsuka; Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): Boehringer Ingelheim; Advisory / Consultancy: Cimic; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Bristol-Myers Squibb; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Pfizer; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony: AstraZeneca; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Eli Lilly; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): ONO; Speaker Bureau / Expert testimony, Research grant / Funding (institution): Chugai; Research grant / Funding (institution): Astellas; Research grant / Funding (institution): Taiho; Research grant / Funding (institution): Novartis; Research grant / Funding (institution): Abbvie; Research grant / Funding (institution): Daiichi-Sankyo; Research grant / Funding (institution): Bayer; Research grant / Funding (institution): Kyowa-Hakko Kirin; Research grant / Funding (institution): JansenPharma; Research grant / Funding (institution): MSD. Y. Ohe: Honoraria (self), Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): AstraZeneca; Honoraria (self), Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): Chugai; Honoraria (self), Research grant / Funding (institution): Lilly; Honoraria (self), Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): ONO; Honoraria (self), Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): Bristrol-Myers Squibb; Honoraria (self): Boehringer lngelheim; Honoraria (self): Bayer; Honoraria (self), Research grant / Funding (institution): Pfizer; Honoraria (self): MSD; Honoraria (self), Research grant / Funding (institution): Taiho; Advisory / Consultancy, Research grant / Funding (institution): Kyorin; Advisory / Consultancy: Celltrion; Research grant / Funding (institution): Amgen; Research grant / Funding (institution): Dainippon Sumitomo; Research grant / Funding (institution): Novartis; Research grant / Funding (institution): Ignyta; Research grant / Funding (institution): Takeda; Research grant / Funding (institution): Kissei; Research grant / Funding (institution): Janssen; Research grant / Funding (institution): Daiichi-Sankyo. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.



我们回顾了2015年12月22日至2017年5月31日之间在日本国家癌症中心医院接受PD-1抑制剂单药治疗(nivolumab或pembrolizumab)的连续晚期NSCLC患者。截止日期为2019年6月1日。我们将获得临床获益6个月以上的患者定义为“响应者”。其中,将持续响应时间超过2年的人定义为“长期响应者”(LTR),将响应时间小于或等于2年的人定义为“非响应者”。我们调查了抗PD-1单药治疗的患者基线特征和临床结局,包括客观缓解率(ORR)和最大肿瘤缩小。RECIST 1.1版评估了肿瘤反应。通过使用22C3抗体评估肿瘤细胞上PD-L1的表达。
该分析总共包括232名患者。回应者占37.9%(232人中占88位)。在这些患者中,LTR组31例(35.2%),非LTR组57例(64.8%)。在数据截止时,LTR组的31例患者中有22例(71.0%)表现出PD-1抑制剂的持久应答。基线特征(例如年龄,性别,工作状态,驾驶员突变,临床阶段和吸烟状态)没有显着差异。就组织学分布而言,LTR组中非鳞状细胞组织学更为常见(68%比90%,P = 0.021)。LTR组的ORR显着高于非LTR组(80.6%对32.0%,P <0.0001)。LTR组的中位肿瘤缩小率(范围)也显着高于非LTR组[72.8(范围:6.8-100)%对48.7(范围:3.9-100)%(P = 0.0002)]。
Y. Okuma:研究资助/资助(机构):武田;研究补助金/经费(机构):中外。Y. Goto:咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词:AstraZeneca;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):礼来公司;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词:中外;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):Taiho;咨询/顾问,发言人办公室/专家证词:勃林格殷格翰公司;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):ONO;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):Bristol Myers Squibb;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):辉瑞;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词:MSD;发言人局/专家证词:盐野木;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):诺华;咨询/顾问:葛兰素史克(Glaxo Smith Kline);咨询/顾问:Guardant Hearlth;研究资助/资助(机构):Abbvie;研究资助/经费(机构):第一三共;研究补助金/经费(机构):Kyorin。H. Horinouchi:发言人办公室咨询/顾问/专家证词:礼来公司;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):中外;咨询/顾问:勃林格殷格翰公司;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):诺华;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词:AstraZaneca;咨询/顾问,发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):MSD;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):Taiho;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):ONO;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):Bristol Myers Squibb;发言人局/专家证词:协和麒麟;研究补助金/资金(机构):Abbvie;发言人办公室/专家证词:第一三共;研究经费/资助(机构):Kyorin;研究资助/资助(机构):基因组健康。N. Yamamoto:咨询/顾问,研究补助金/经费(机构):Eisai;咨询/顾问,研究资助/资助(机构):武田;咨询/顾问:大冢;咨询/顾问,研究资助/资助(机构):勃林格殷格翰;咨询/顾问:Cimic;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):Bristol-Myers Squibb;发言人办公室/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):辉瑞;发言人小组/专家证词:阿斯利康;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):礼来公司;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):ONO;发言人局/专家证词,研究资助/资助(机构):中外;研究补助金/经费(机构):Astellas;研究补助金/资金(机构):Taiho;研究经费/资助(机构):诺华;研究补助金/资金(机构):Abbvie;研究补助金/经费(机构):第一三共;研究资助/资助(机构):拜耳;研究补助金/经费(机构):Kyowa-Hakko Kirin;研究经费/资助(机构):JansenPharma;研究经费/资助(机构):MSD。Y. Ohe:Honoraria(个体经营),咨询/顾问,研究补助金/资金(机构):AstraZeneca;酬金(个体经营),咨询/顾问,研究经费/资助(机构):中外;酬金(自己),研究资助/资助(机构):礼来;酬金(个体经营),咨询/顾问,研究经费/资助(机构):ONO;酬金(个体经营),咨询/顾问,研究经费/资助(机构):Bristrol-Myers Squibb;Honoraria(个体):勃林格殷格翰(Boehringer lngelheim); Honoraria(个体):拜耳; 酬金(自己),研究资助/资助(机构):辉瑞;Honoraria(个体):MSD; Honoraria(个体经营),研究补助金/资金(机构):Taiho;咨询/顾问,研究资助/资助(机构):Kyorin;咨询/顾问:Celltrion;研究补助金/资金(机构):Amgen;研究资助/经费(机构):Dainippon Sumitomo; 研究经费/资助(机构):诺华;研究补助金/资金(机构):Ignyta;研究补助金/经费(机构):武田;研究经费/资助(机构):Kissei; 研究补助金/资金(机构):Janssen;研究补助金/经费(机构):第一三共。所有其他作者都声明没有利益冲突。研究经费/资助(机构):诺华;研究补助金/资金(机构):Ignyta;研究补助金/经费(机构):武田;研究经费/资助(机构):Kissei; 研究补助金/资金(机构):Janssen;研究补助金/经费(机构):第一三共。所有其他作者都声明没有利益冲突。研究经费/资助(机构):诺华;研究补助金/资金(机构):Ignyta;研究补助金/经费(机构):武田;研究经费/资助(机构):Kissei; 研究补助金/资金(机构):Janssen;研究补助金/经费(机构):第一三共。所有其他作者都声明没有利益冲突。