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Evaluation of the Swedish National Stroke Campaign: A population-based time-series study.
International Journal of Stroke ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1747493019840939
Annika Nordanstig 1 , Bo Palaszewski 2 , Kjell Asplund 3 , Bo Norrving 4 , Nils Wahlgren 5 , Per Wester 3, 6 , Katarina Jood 1 , Lars Rosengren 1

BACKGROUND Time delay from stroke onset to hospital arrival is an important obstacle to recanalization therapy. To increase knowledge about stroke symptoms and potentially reduce delayed hospital arrival, a 27-month national public information campaign was conducted in Sweden. AIM To assess the effects of a national stroke campaign in Sweden. METHODS This nationwide study included 97,840 patients with acute stroke, admitted to hospital and registered in the Swedish Stroke Register from 1 October 2010 to 31 December 2014 (one year before the campaign started to one year after the campaign ended). End points were (1) proportion of patients arriving at hospital within 3 h of stroke onset and (2) the proportion < 80 years of age receiving recanalization therapy. RESULTS During the campaign, both the proportion of patients arriving at hospital within 3 h (p < 0.05) and the proportion receiving recanalization therapy (p < 0.001) increased. These proportions remained stable the year after the campaign, and no significant improvements with respect to the two end points were observed during the year preceding the campaign. In a multivariable logistic regression model comparing the last year of the campaign with the year preceding the campaign, the odds ratio of arriving at hospital within 3 h was 1.05 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.00-1.09) and that of receiving recanalization was 1.34 (95% CI: 1.24-1.46). CONCLUSION The Swedish National Stroke Campaign was associated with a sustained increase in the proportion of patients receiving recanalization therapy and a small but significant improvement in the proportion arriving at hospital within 3 h.



背景技术从中风发作到医院到达的时间延迟是再通疗法的重要障碍。为了增加对中风症状的了解并可能减少延迟住院的时间,瑞典开展了一项为期27个月的全国公共宣传运动。目的评估瑞典全国性中风运动的效果。方法这项全国性研究包括2010年10月1日至2014年12月31日(运动开始前的一年至运动结束后的一年)的97840例急性中风患者,入院并在瑞典中风登记簿中注册。终点为(1)中风发作后3小时内到达医​​院的患者比例,以及(2)接受再通疗法的年龄<80岁的患者比例。结果在竞选期间,在3小时内到达医​​院的患者比例(p <0.05)和接受再通治疗的比例(p <0.001)都增加了。这些比例在运动后的第二年保持稳定,在运动前一年未观察到两个终点的显着改善。在将活动的最后一年与活动的前一年进行比较的多变量logistic回归模型中,在3小时内到达医​​院的几率是1.05(95%置信区间(CI):1.00-1.09)和接受再通的几率值为1.34(95%CI:1.24-1.46)。