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Investigation of biologically active amines in some selected edible mushrooms
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2019.103375
Guilherme C.L. Reis , Flávia B. Custódio , Bruno G. Botelho , Letícia R. Guidi , Maria Beatriz A. Gloria

Abstract Mushrooms are highly valued due to nutritional and functional properties as well as small environmental footprint. However, scarce information is available regarding amines in commercial products. The objective of this study was to investigate the levels of bioactive amines in eight fresh edible commercial mushrooms species. An ion-pair HPLC method with post-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde and fluorescence detection was fit for the purpose. Seven out of nine amines were present and levels varied among species. Spermidine was ubiquitous to mushrooms, with highest content in Black Shimeji (12.4 mg/100 g). The levels of spermidine in mushrooms classify them as high polyamines sources, which is valued due to its association with growth, health promotion and antioxidant properties. Agmatine was present in all Pleurotus. Tyramine, tryptamine and phenylethylamine were detected in some species; the levels of cadaverine and putrescine were discrete. A four-principal component model explained 99.4% of the variance and it was able to separate Pleurotus spp. (White shimeji, Hiratake, Black shimeji and Salmon) from Agaricus bisporus (Champignon and Portobello) and Lentinula edodes (Shitake). Hierarchical cluster analysis confirmed the potential of using the occurrence and levels of amines to separate some mushroom species.



摘要 蘑菇因其营养和功能特性以及较小的环境足迹而受到高度重视。然而,关于商业产品中的胺的信息很少。本研究的目的是调查八种新鲜可食用的商业蘑菇物种中生物活性胺的含量。使用邻苯二甲醛柱后衍生化和荧光检测的离子对 HPLC 方法适用于该目的。九种胺中有七种存在,且含量因物种而异。亚精胺在蘑菇中无处不在,在黑石梅中含量最高(12.4 毫克/100 克)。蘑菇中亚精胺的水平将它们归类为高多胺来源,由于其与生长、促进健康和抗氧化特性相关,因此受到重视。所有的杏鲍菇中都存在胍丁胺。酪胺,在一些物种中检测到色胺和苯乙胺;尸胺和腐胺的水平是离散的。一个四主成分模型解释了 99.4% 的方差,它能够分离平菇。(白 shimeji、Hiratake、黑 shimeji 和鲑鱼)来自双孢蘑菇(Champignon 和 Portobello)和香菇(Shitake)。层次聚类分析证实了使用胺的出现和水平来分离一些蘑菇物种的潜力。