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Modifiable factors which predict children's gross motor competence: a prospective cohort study.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-11 , DOI: 10.1186/s12966-019-0888-0
Lisa M Barnett 1, 2 , Jill A Hnatiuk 1, 3 , Jo Salmon 1, 3 , Kylie D Hesketh 1, 3

BACKGROUND Fundamental motor skills (FMS) are important for physical activity and healthy weight status in children, yet it is unclear which early childhood factors facilitate subsequent motor skill. The aim of this prospective study was to investigate which modifiable family and home environment factors in the early years predict children's FMS at age five. METHODS Mothers from the Melbourne InFANT program (registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register (ISRCTN81847050)) completed questionnaires when child was aged 4, 9, 19 months old, and 3.5 years old on factors hypothesised to predict motor skills. Some factors were grouped in tertiles (high, medium, low) due to the nature of the distribution. At 5 years old children were assessed on 6 locomotor and 6 object control skills (Test of Gross Motor Development-2). Eight regression models examined the association between factors at each time-point and children's skills (object control and locomotor) at 5 years old. RESULTS The sample varied by time-point (178 to 259 children). Maternal physical activity optimism (4 months; β = 2.43), home physical activity equipment (9 months; β = 0.82), time outdoors - middle (9 months; β = 2.50) and highest tertile (9 months; β = 2.86), time free to move about - highest tertile (19 months; β = 2.41), time with older children - middle (19 months; β = 3.15) and highest tertile (3.5 years; β = 3.00) were predictive of better locomotor scores. Mothers' own physical activity (9 months; β = - 0.01) and time active with mum - highest tertile (3.5 years; β = - 3.73) were negatively associated with locomotor skill. Time with older children - highest (4 months; β = 2.27) and middle tertile (19 months; β = 2.97), time free to move about - middle (19 months; β = 2.55) and highest tertile (19 months; β = 2.47), and more home equipment (9 months; β = 0.83); (3.5 years; β = 0.17) were predictive of better object control skills. Maternal physical activity knowledge (3.5 years; β = - 3.05) was negatively associated with object control skill. CONCLUSIONS Providing a supportive environment with older children and equipment, and allowing toddlers' freedom to move, appears important. Opportunities exist to educate parents on their important role in developing children's motor skills. Clinicians could advise parents that the home environment can make a difference to their child's FMS starting from infancy.



背景技术基本运动技能(FMS)对于儿童的身体活动和健康体重状况很重要,但尚不清楚哪些幼儿期因素促进随后的运动技能。这项前瞻性研究的目的是调查早期哪些可改变的家庭和家庭环境因素可以预测儿童五岁时的 FMS。方法 来自墨尔本婴儿计划(在国际标准随机对照试验编号登记册 (ISRCTN81847050) 注册)的母亲在孩子 4、9、19 个月和 3.5 岁时填写了关于预测运动技能的假设因素的调查问卷。由于分布的性质,一些因素被分为三分位数(高、中、低)。 5 岁时,对儿童进行 6 项运动技能和 6 项物体控制技能评估(粗大运动发展测试 - 2)。八个回归模型检查了每个时间点的因素与 5 岁时儿童技能(物体控制和运动)之间的关联。结果 样本因时间点而异(178 至 259 名儿童)。母亲体育活动乐观度(4 个月;β = 2.43)、家庭体育活动设备(9 个月;β = 0.82)、户外时间 - 中间(9 个月;β = 2.50)和最高三分位(9 个月;β = 2.86),自由活动时间 - 最高三分位数(19 个月;β = 2.41)、与较大儿童相处的时间 - 中间(19 个月;β = 3.15)和最高三分位数(3.5 岁;β = 3.00)可预测更好的运动得分。母亲自己的体力活动(9 个月;β = - 0.01)和与母亲一起活动的时间(最高三分位)(3.5 年;β = - 3.73)与运动技能呈负相关。与年龄较大的孩子在一起的时间 - 最高(4 个月;β = 2.27)和中间三分位数(19 个月;β = 2。97),自由活动时间 - 中等(19 个月;β = 2.55)和最高三分位(19 个月;β = 2.47),以及更多家用设备(9 个月;β = 0.83); (3.5 岁;β = 0.17)预示着更好的物体控制技能。母亲的体力活动知识(3.5 年;β = - 3.05)与物体控制技能呈负相关。结论 为年龄较大的儿童和设备提供支持性环境,并允许幼儿自由活动,似乎很重要。有机会教育家长了解他们在发展儿童运动技能方面的重要作用。临床医生可以建议父母,家庭环境可以从婴儿期开始对孩子的 FMS 产生影响。