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Human αB-crystallin discriminates between aggregation-prone and function-preserving variants of a client protein.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2019.129502
Marc A Sprague-Piercy 1 , Eric Wong 2 , Kyle W Roskamp 2 , Joseph N Fakhoury 2 , J Alfredo Freites 2 , Douglas J Tobias 2 , Rachel W Martin 3

BACKGROUND The eye lens crystallins are highly soluble proteins that are required to last the lifespan of an organism due to low protein turnover in the lens. Crystallin aggregation leads to formation of light-scattering aggregates known as cataract. The G18V mutation of human γS-crystallin (γS-G18V), which is associated with childhood-onset cataract, causes structural changes throughout the N-terminal domain and increases aggregation propensity. The holdase chaperone protein αB-crystallin does not interact with wild-type γS-crystallin, but does bind its G18V variant. The specific molecular determinants of αB-crystallin binding to client proteins is incompletely charcterized. Here, a new variant of γS, γS-G18A, was created to test the limits of αB-crystallin selectivity. METHODS Molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the structure and dynamics of γS-G18A. The overall fold of γS-G18A was assessed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. Its thermal unfolding temperature and aggregation propensity were characterized by CD and DLS, respectively. Solution-state NMR was used to characterize interactions between αB-crystallin and γS-G18A. RESULTS γS-G18A exhibits minimal structural changes, but has compromised thermal stability relative to γS-WT. The placement of alanine, rather than valine, at this highly conserved glycine position produces minor changes in hydrophobic surface exposure. However, human αB-crystallin does not bind the G18A variant, in contrast to previous observations for γS-G18V, which aggregates at physiological temperature. CONCLUSIONS αB-crystallin is capable of distinguishing between aggregation-prone and function-preserving variants, and recognizing the transient unfolding or minor conformers that lead to aggregation in the disease-related variant. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE Human αB-crystallin distinguishes between highly similar variants of a structural crystallin, binding the cataract-related γS-G18V variant, but not the function-preserving γS-G18A variant, which is monomeric at physiological temperature.


