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Barrier bednets target malaria vectors and expand the range of usable insecticides.
Nature Microbiology ( IF 20.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41564-019-0607-2
Gregory P D Murray 1 , Natalie Lissenden 1 , Jeff Jones 1 , Vitaly Voloshin 2 , K Hyacinthe Toé 3 , Ellie Sherrard-Smith 4 , Geraldine M Foster 1 , Thomas S Churcher 4 , Josephine E A Parker 1 , Catherine E Towers 2 , Sagnon N'Falé 3 , Wamdaogo M Guelbeogo 3 , Hilary Ranson 1 , David Towers 2 , Philip J McCall 1

Transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites occurs when nocturnal Anopheles mosquito vectors feed on human blood. In Africa, where malaria burden is highest, bednets treated with pyrethroid insecticide were highly effective in preventing mosquito bites and reducing transmission, and essential to achieving unprecedented reductions in malaria until 2015 (ref. 1). Since then, progress has stalled2, and with insecticidal bednets losing efficacy against pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles vectors3,4, methods that restore performance are urgently needed to eliminate any risk of malaria returning to the levels seen before their widespread use throughout sub-Saharan Africa5. Here, we show that the primary malaria vector Anopheles gambiae is targeted and killed by small insecticidal net barriers positioned above a standard bednet in a spatial region of high mosquito activity but zero contact with sleepers, opening the way for deploying many more insecticides on bednets than is currently possible. Tested against wild pyrethroid-resistant A. gambiae in Burkina Faso, pyrethroid bednets with organophosphate barriers achieved significantly higher killing rates than bednets alone. Treated barriers on untreated bednets were equally effective, without significant loss of personal protection. Mathematical modelling of transmission dynamics predicted reductions in clinical malaria incidence with barrier bednets that matched those of 'next-generation' nets recommended by the World Health Organization against resistant vectors. Mathematical models of mosquito-barrier interactions identified alternative barrier designs to increase performance. Barrier bednets that overcome insecticide resistance are feasible using existing insecticides and production technology, and early implementation of affordable vector control tools is a realistic prospect.



当夜间按蚊媒介以人类血液为食时,就会发生恶性疟原虫疟疾寄生虫的传播。在疟疾负担最重的非洲,用拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂处理的蚊帐在预防蚊虫叮咬和减少传播方面非常有效,对于在 2015 年之前实现前所未有的疟疾减少至关重要(参考文献 1)。从那时起,进展停滞不前2,并且随着杀虫蚊帐对拟除虫菊酯抗性按蚊载体3、4失去效力,迫切需要恢复性能的方法,以消除疟疾恢复到在整个撒哈拉以南非洲广泛使用之前的水平的任何风险5。这里,我们表明,在蚊子活动频繁但与睡眠者零接触的空间区域,位于标准蚊帐上方的小型杀虫网屏障将主要的疟疾媒介冈比亚按蚊杀死,从而为在蚊帐上部署比目前更多的杀虫剂开辟了道路可能的。在布基纳法索针对野生抗拟除虫菊酯的冈比亚曲霉进行了测试,具有有机磷酸盐屏障的拟除虫菊酯蚊帐的杀灭率明显高于单独使用蚊帐。未经处理的蚊帐上经过处理的屏障同样有效,不会显着丧失个人保护。传播动力学的数学模型预测,使用与世界卫生组织推荐的对抗耐药媒介的“下一代”蚊帐相匹配的屏障蚊帐可以降低临床疟疾发病率。蚊子屏障相互作用的数学模型确定了替代屏障设计以提高性能。使用现有的杀虫剂和生产技术,克服杀虫剂抗性的屏障蚊帐是可行的,早期实施负担得起的病媒控制工具是一个现实的前景。