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Impact of the Langdon effect on crossed-beam energy transfer
Nature Physics ( IF 17.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41567-019-0725-z
David Turnbull , Arnaud Colaïtis , Aaron M. Hansen , Avram L. Milder , John P. Palastro , Joseph Katz , Christophe Dorrer , Brian E. Kruschwitz , David J. Strozzi , Dustin H. Froula

The prediction that laser plasma heating distorts the electron distribution function away from Maxwellian and towards a super-Gaussian distribution dates back four decades1. In conditions relevant to inertial confinement fusion, however, no direct evidence of this so-called ‘Langdon effect’ has previously been observed. Here we present measurements of the spatially and temporally resolved Thomson scattering spectrum that indicate the presence of super-Gaussian electron distribution functions consistent with existing theory2. In such plasmas, ion acoustic wave frequencies increase monotonically with the super-Gaussian exponent3. Our results show that the measured power transfer between crossed laser beams mediated by ion acoustic waves requires a model that accounts for the non-Maxwellian electron distribution function, whereas the standard Maxwellian calculations overpredict power transfer over a wide region of parameter space. Including this effect is expected to improve the predictive capability of crossed-beam energy transfer modelling at the National Ignition Facility in California and may restore a larger operable design space for inertial confinement fusion experiments. This is also expected to motivate further inquiry in other areas affected by non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions, such as laser absorption, heat transport and X-ray spectroscopy.



