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A trip down memory lane with Retrovirology
Retrovirology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s12977-019-0485-y
Monsef Benkirane , Ben Berkhout , Persephone Borrow , Ariberto Fassati , Masahiro Fujii , J. Victor Garcia-Martinez , D. Margolis , Monique Nijhuis , Leslie Parent , Klaus Strebel , François Venter , Frank Kirchhoff , Andrew Lever , Susan Ross , Johnson Mak

Fifteen years ago, Retrovirology was amongst the first open-access journals to be established through Biomed Central, instigated by our late Founding Editor Dr. Kuan-Teh Jeang. Since then, in what seemed like a rather daring move to be paper-free, Retrovirology has witnessed the exponential growth of open access journals that have changed the landscape of scientific publishing and communications. As was pointed out by the staff editors in PLoS Biology [1], the infancy of open access journal was a very different time from our present day, which was before smartphones, prior to most of the digital social media platforms and at a time when we had only begun to learn about the completed DNA sequences from the Human Genome Project [1]. Dr. Kuan-Teh Jeang (known universally as Teh) was an accomplished virologist and chief of the molecular virology section of the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology at the NIAID NIH intramural program. Teh was a prolific scientist who authored more than 300 publications before he left us at the tragically young age of 54. Through open access publishing, Teh saw an opportunity to create a platform for retrovirologists to publish their findings in a timely manner as well as actively disseminating these publications to the community. Many of us vividly remember the enthusiastic emails that Teh sent us regarding any news or hot-off the press publications from Retrovirology.



15 年前,Retrovirology 是通过 Biomed Central 建立的首批开放获取期刊之一,由我们已故的创始编辑 Dr. Kuan-Teh Jeang 发起。从那时起,逆转录病毒学似乎是一个相当大胆的无纸化举措,见证了开放获取期刊的指数级增长,这些期刊改变了科学出版和传播的格局。正如 PLoS Biology [1] 的编辑所指出的那样,开放获取期刊的起步与我们现在的时代截然不同,当时智能手机出现之前,大多数数字社交媒体平台之前,以及我们才刚刚开始了解人类基因组计划 [1] 中完整的 DNA 序列。博士。Kuan-Teh Jeang(通称 Teh)是一位成功的病毒学家,也是 NIAID NIH 校内项目分子微生物学实验室分子病毒学部门的负责人。Teh 是一位多产的科学家,在他 54 岁那可悲的年轻离开我们之前,他撰写了 300 多篇出版物。通过开放获取出版,Teh 看到了一个机会,可以为逆转录病毒学家创建一个平台,以便及时并积极地发表他们的发现向社区传播这些出版物。我们中的许多人都清楚地记得 Teh 给我们发送的有关逆转录病毒学的任何新闻或热门新闻出版物的热情电子邮件。Teh 是一位多产的科学家,在他 54 岁那可悲的年轻离开我们之前,他撰写了 300 多篇出版物。通过开放获取出版,Teh 看到了一个机会,可以为逆转录病毒学家创建一个平台,以便及时并积极地发表他们的发现向社区传播这些出版物。我们中的许多人都清楚地记得 Teh 给我们发送的有关逆转录病毒学的任何新闻或热门新闻出版物的热情电子邮件。Teh 是一位多产的科学家,在他 54 岁那可悲的年轻离开我们之前,他撰写了 300 多篇出版物。通过开放获取出版,Teh 看到了一个机会,可以为逆转录病毒学家创建一个平台,以便及时并积极地发表他们的发现向社区传播这些出版物。我们中的许多人都清楚地记得 Teh 给我们发送的有关逆转录病毒学的任何新闻或热门新闻出版物的热情电子邮件。