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The KT Jeang Prize 2019: Reuben S. Harris
Retrovirology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s12977-019-0486-x

© The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Reuben Harris graduated in 1993 with a BSc in genetics from the University of Alberta (Fig. 1). The degree was distinguished by “specialization” instead of honors because he opted to take a co-ed racquetball and squash course in his senior year. His general interest in sport and competition has been lifelong and joined by a deep interest in mutation research developed during undergraduate studies and, importantly, by taking courses taught by luminaries in the areas of DNA repair, replication, and recombination. In particular, during those years at the University of Alberta, Robert (Jack) von Borstel lectured on mechanisms of mutagenesis and anti-mutagenesis (repair), Linda Reha-Kranz on mechanisms of DNA replication, and Philip (Phil) Hastings and Susan Rosenberg on mechanisms of genetic recombination. These processes combine in intricate ways in real-time and evolutionary-time to generate the vast and amazing diversity of life and adaptability on our ever-changing planet. Captivating topics to say the least for an impressionable young student! These mentors introduced Harris to many seminal papers on these topics but also, and equally importantly, to model systems and rigorous scientific approaches. During a particularly long discussion one afternoon, von Borstel suggested that Harris (then an undergraduate junior) write to the famous Georg Friedrich (Fritz) Melchers at the Basel Institute for Immunology and inquire about a summer studentship. This idea appealed to Harris and a letter was immediately drafted and sent to Switzerland. A short time later, Melchers responded and offered a position in Antonio Lanzavecchia’s group. Without hesitation, Harris accepted, flew from his hometown of Regina, Saskatchewan to Basel, Switzerland and promptly started the studentship. Lanzavecchia must have sensed a deficiency in immunological training (correctly) and suggested starting with a library submersion to read recent reviews in immunology and learn the basics of this area. Lanzavecchia also provided Harris with his first immunology textbook. After a week or so, this submersion led to a candid discussion over coffee and a challenge to choose between two projects. Harris worked hard over the following months to synthesize peptides and attempt to generate cytolytic T cell responses in cell culture. Although the primary goal was not achieved, Harris learned the importance of positive and negative controls, fumehood ventilation, and open collegiality. The Basel Institute for Immunology was a magical place where Open Access Retrovirology


2019 年 KT Jeang 奖:Reuben S. Harris

© The Author(s) 2019。本文根据知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 的条款分发,该许可允许在以下地区不受限制地使用、分发和复制任何媒体,前提是您适当注明原作者和来源,提供指向知识共享许可的链接,并说明是否进行了更改。除非另有说明,否则知识共享公共领域奉献豁免 (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) 适用于本文中提供的数据。Reuben Harris 于 1993 年毕业于阿尔伯塔大学,获得遗传学学士学位(图 1)。该学位的特点是“专业化”而不是荣誉,因为他在大四时选择了男女混合的壁球和壁球课程。他对体育和比赛的普遍兴趣是终身的,并且在本科学习期间对突变研究产生了浓厚的兴趣,更重要的是,他参加了由杰出人士教授的 DNA 修复、复制和重组领域的课程。特别是在阿尔伯塔大学的那些年里,Robert (Jack) von Borstel 讲授了诱变和抗诱变(修复)机制,Linda Reha-Kranz 讲授了 DNA 复制机制,以及 Philip (Phil) Hastings 和 Susan Rosenberg关于基因重组的机制。这些过程以复杂的方式实时和进化结合在一起,在我们不断变化的星球上产生了巨大而惊人的生命多样性和适应性。对于一个易受影响的年轻学生来说,至少可以说引人入胜的话题!这些导师向 Harris 介绍了许多关于这些主题的开创性论文,但同样重要的是,还介绍了模型系统和严格的科学方法。在一天下午的一次特别长的讨论中,冯博斯特尔建议哈里斯(当时是一名大三学生)写信给巴塞尔免疫学研究所著名的格奥尔格弗里德里希(弗里茨)梅尔彻斯,询问暑期奖学金。这个想法吸引了哈里斯,并立即起草了一封信并发往瑞士。不久之后,Melchers 做出回应并提供了 Antonio Lanzavecchia 小组的一个职位。哈里斯毫不犹豫地接受了,从他的家乡萨斯喀彻温省里贾纳飞往瑞士巴塞尔,并迅速开始了学生身份。Lanzavecchia 一定已经(正确地)感觉到免疫学训练的不足,并建议从浸入图书馆开始阅读免疫学的最新评论并学习该领域的基础知识。Lanzavecchia 还为 Harris 提供了他的第一本免疫学教科书。大约一周后,这次沉没引发了对咖啡的坦诚讨论,并面临在两个项目之间进行选择的挑战。在接下来的几个月里,哈里斯努力合成肽并尝试在细胞培养中产生溶细胞性 T 细胞反应。虽然主要目标没有实现,但哈里斯了解到积极和消极控制、通风橱通风和开放式合作的重要性。巴塞尔免疫学研究所是一个神奇的地方,开放获取逆转录病毒学 Lanzavecchia 还为 Harris 提供了他的第一本免疫学教科书。大约一周后,这次沉没引发了对咖啡的坦诚讨论,并面临在两个项目之间进行选择的挑战。在接下来的几个月里,哈里斯努力合成肽并尝试在细胞培养中产生溶细胞性 T 细胞反应。虽然主要目标没有实现,但哈里斯了解到积极和消极控制、通风橱通风和开放式合作的重要性。巴塞尔免疫学研究所是一个神奇的地方,开放获取逆转录病毒学 Lanzavecchia 还为 Harris 提供了他的第一本免疫学教科书。大约一周后,这次沉没引发了对咖啡的坦诚讨论,并面临在两个项目之间进行选择的挑战。在接下来的几个月里,哈里斯努力合成肽并尝试在细胞培养中产生溶细胞性 T 细胞反应。虽然主要目标没有实现,但哈里斯了解到积极和消极控制、通风橱通风和开放式合作的重要性。巴塞尔免疫学研究所是一个神奇的地方,开放获取逆转录病毒学 在接下来的几个月里,哈里斯努力合成肽并尝试在细胞培养中产生溶细胞性 T 细胞反应。虽然主要目标没有实现,但哈里斯了解到积极和消极控制、通风橱通风和开放式合作的重要性。巴塞尔免疫学研究所是一个神奇的地方,开放获取逆转录病毒学 在接下来的几个月里,哈里斯努力合成肽并尝试在细胞培养中产生溶细胞性 T 细胞反应。虽然主要目标没有实现,但哈里斯了解到积极和消极控制、通风橱通风和开放式合作的重要性。巴塞尔免疫学研究所是一个神奇的地方,开放获取逆转录病毒学