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Effects of maternal inhalation of carbon black nanoparticles on reproductive and fertility parameters in a four-generation study of male mice
Particle and Fibre Toxicology ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s12989-019-0295-3
Astrid Skovmand , Alexander C. Ø. Jensen , Clotilde Maurice , Francesco Marchetti , Anna J. Lauvås , Ismo K. Koponen , Keld A. Jensen , Sandra Goericke-Pesch , Ulla Vogel , Karin S. Hougaard

Previous findings indicate that in utero exposure to nanoparticles may affect the reproductive system in male offspring. Effects such as decreased sperm counts and testicular structural changes in F1 males have been reported following maternal airway exposure to carbon black during gestation. In addition, a previous study in our laboratory suggested that the effects of in utero exposure of nanoparticles may span further than the first generation, as sperm content per gram of testis was significantly lowered in F2 males. In the present study we assessed male fertility parameters following in utero inhalation exposure to carbon black in four generations of mice. Filter measurements demonstrated that the time-mated females were exposed to a mean total suspended particle mass concentration of 4.79 ± 1.86 or 33.87 ± 14.77 mg/m3 for the low and high exposure, respectively. The control exposure was below the detection limit (LOD 0.08 mg/m3). Exposure did not affect gestation and litter parameters in any generation. No significant changes were observed in body and reproductive organ weights, epididymal sperm parameters, daily sperm production, plasma testosterone or fertility. In utero exposure to carbon black nanoparticles, at occupationally relevant exposure levels, via maternal whole body inhalation did not affect male-specific reproductive, fertility and litter parameters in four generations of mice.



先前的发现表明,在子宫内暴露于纳米粒子可能会影响雄性后代的生殖系统。据报道,孕期孕妇气道接触炭黑后,F1雄性精子数量减少和睾丸结构改变等影响。此外,我们实验室的一项先前研究表明,子宫内暴露纳米颗粒的影响可能比第一代影响更大,因为F2雄性小鼠每克睾丸的精子含量显着降低。在本研究中,我们评估了四代小鼠经子宫吸入炭黑后的雄性育性参数。过滤器测量表明,定时交配的雌性小鼠的平均总悬浮颗粒质量浓度为4.79±1.86或33.87±14。低和高暴露分别为77 mg / m3。对照暴露低于检测极限(LOD 0.08 mg / m3)。暴露不影响任何一代的妊娠和产仔参数。人体和生殖器官的重量,附睾的精子参数,每日精子产生量,血浆睾丸激素或生育力均未观察到显着变化。在宫内接触炭黑纳米颗粒时,在职业相关的接触水平下,通过产妇全身吸入不会影响四代小鼠的雄性特异性生殖,繁殖力和垫料参数。附睾精子参数,每日精子产生,血浆睾丸激素或生育能力。在宫内接触炭黑纳米颗粒时,在职业相关的接触水平下,通过产妇全身吸入不会影响四代小鼠的雄性特异性生殖,繁殖力和垫料参数。附睾精子参数,每日精子产生,血浆睾丸激素或生育能力。在宫内接触炭黑纳米颗粒时,在职业相关的接触水平下,通过产妇全身吸入不会影响四代小鼠的雄性特异性生殖,繁殖力和垫料参数。