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Enhancing the value of women's reproductive rights through community based interventions in upper Egypt governorates: a randomized interventional study.
International Journal for Equity in Health ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s12939-019-1042-y
Ammal M Metwally 1 , Rehan M Saleh 1 , Lobna A El-Etreby 1 , Somia I Salama 1 , Ahmed Aboulghate 1 , Hala A Amer 1 , Asmaa M Fathy 1 , Reham Yousry 2 , Sherif E El-Deeb 1 , Ghada A Abdel-Latif 1 , Dalia M Elmosalami 1 , Nihad A Ibrahim 1 , Osama M Azmy 3 , Tamer Taha 3 , Hanaa M Imam 1 , Mohamed Abdel Rahman 1 , Samia A R Hemeda 1

BACKGROUND In 2012, the WHO described the quality of health care as the route to equity and dignity for women and children. AIM OF THE WORK To provide community based support and empowerment to women in childbearing period to seek optimal prenatal, natal and postnatal healthcare. Achieving this is anticipated to decrease maternal morbidity and mortality in Egypt. SUBJECTS AND METHODS An interventional study was conducted among women in childbearing period in the poorest two governorates of Upper Egypt. The study passed through three stages over three and a half years; pre-interventional assessment of awareness (n = 1000), educational interventions targeting the health providers and all women in childbearing period in their communities (n = 20,494), and post-intervention evaluation of change in awareness of their rights for prenatal, natal and postnatal care (no = 1150). RESULTS The studied indicators relating to receiving care in pregnancy, labor, and puerperium have changed dramatically as a result of the study interventions. Results of the study showed that before interventions, the surveyed women had inaccurate knowledge regarding most of the items related to their rights. The percentages of women aware of their right to have pregnancy card increased and those who possessed a pregnancy card were doubled with a significant percent change of more than 25%. Some indicators showed more than 75% improvement, including; percent of surveyed women who knew that it's their right to follow up their pregnancy and to deliver with a specialized doctor, a trained nurse or at an equipped health facility, and those who knew their right to have at least two home preparations necessary for safe delivery at home. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS More work is needed in order to achieve the targeted reduction of maternal mortality. This could be achieved by ensuring accessible and high quality care provided by the governmental health facilities together with increasing the awareness of women regarding their rights in receiving such care.



背景 2012 年,世界卫生组织将医疗保健质量描述为妇女和儿童获得公平和尊严的途径。工作目标 为育龄妇女提供社区支持和赋权,以寻求最佳的产前、产中和产后保健。实现这一目标预计将降低埃及的孕产妇发病率和死亡率。对象和方法 对上埃及最贫困的两个省的育龄妇女进行了一项干预研究。该研究历时三年半,经历了三个阶段;干预前的认识评估(n = 1000)、针对社区卫生服务提供者和所有育龄妇女的教育干预措施(n = 20,494)以及干预后对其产前、产后和生育权利认识变化的评估产后护理(否 = 1150)。结果 由于研究干预,与怀孕、分娩和产褥期接受护理有关的研究指标发生了巨大变化。研究结果显示,在干预前,受访妇女对大多数与自身权利相关的项目的了解不准确。意识到自己有权拥有怀孕卡的女性比例有所增加,拥有怀孕卡的女性比例翻了一番,百分比变化显着超过 25%。部分指标改善超过 75%,包括:接受调查的女性中,知道自己有权跟踪自己的怀孕情况并在专业医生、训练有素的护士或设备齐全的医疗机构的帮助下分娩,以及知道自己有权进行至少两次安全分娩所需的家庭准备工作的女性百分比在家里。结论和建议 需要开展更多工作才能实现降低孕产妇死亡率的目标。要实现这一目标,可以确保政府卫生机构提供方便且高质量的护理,同时提高妇女对其接受此类护理的权利的认识。