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Theory and practice of European co-operative education and training for the support of energy transition
Energy, Sustainability and Society ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s13705-019-0213-4
Stephan Maier , Michael Narodoslawsky , Lidia Borell-Damián , Maarten Arentsen , Marlene Kienberger , Wolfgang Bauer , Maria Ortner , Nigel Foxhall , Gerhard Oswald , Joan-Marc Joval , Yoram Krozer , Theresa Urbanz , Christian Sakulin , Sebestyen Tihamer-Tibor , Viktorija Dobravec

European visions such as the European Commission’s Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan and the SET Plan Roadmap Education and Training encourages higher education institutions (HEI) and business to establish adequate co-operative education and training approaches in the face of the challenges posed by the energy transition necessary to achieve European Union’s climate goals. The development of integrated co-operative education, training and learning systems is a fundamental strategy to foster co-operation between academic institutions and business. Available sources about the theoretical and practical knowledge of co-operative education and training are limited. To identify available information and create new information where there is no this research was carried out by means of a literature study and a database search on existing co-operative education formats. This was supplemented by an analysis of seven actual case study reports regarding examples drawn from the BioEnergyTrain (BET) project commissioned under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Co-operation for educational purposes between higher education institutions (HEI) and business exists on the curricular, course and internship level.Considering the total number of studies on a curricular level in Europe, only very few co-operative education programmes exist. On the curricular level, most of the appropriate formats are dual studies with Bachelors’ programmes, fewer are dual studies with Master’s programmes. Co-operation formats on the course level do not follow institutionalised rules and are case-specifically applied. The studies presented in this journal dealing with practical examples emphasise the high potential for improving student’s skills and insight into business that such co-operative formats offer to universities and business partners.Co-operation on an internship level has a long tradition of exposing students to the business environment they will later work in. Internships however do not provide high-intensity co-operation between business and HEIs. Therefore, it is outside the focus of this paper’s attention. Results of statistical analysis reveal a total number of 19,822 related dual study programmes in the year 2018 alone in Germany whereas, for co-operative curricula on a master’s level, just 73 can be tracked in whole Europe. Results of the case study reports are further discussed in Additional files 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Existing research and descriptions of co-operative education and training are limited. However, based on the available sources, this study discusses co-operative education regarding its roots, types, role of business, type of rotation, salary, and legal issues as well as efforts on a European level to create and put into practice adequate forms of co-operative education supplemented by case studies. The huge gap between generally available dual study programmes on a bachelor’s and master’s level and available studies throughout Europe is partly related to the fact that most of the dual study programmes are on a bachelor’s level and partly related to a limited sharing of collective university information on comprehensive platforms. Through the main foci of the study on the theoretical background of co-operative studies as well as the practical implementation of co-operative education practice, all European academic institutions could not be contacted and analysed individually. There is not much available data on co-operative study programmes. This may be due to the fact that co-operation in education and training between academic institutions and business plays only a minor role in the overall education system. Apart from dual study programmes, co-operative education and training formats usually are not defined unambiguously because the number of co-operative education programmes directed towards meeting the challenges posed by the energy transition is low. Although both the SET Plan Roadmap Education and Training developed within the SET Plan process and the Action Agenda for European Universities developed by the European University Association (EUA) identify co-operation between HEIs and business as crucial to meet these challenges (Borrell-Damian and Narodoslawsky [Additional file 1]), much remains to be done in this respect. There is a need for institutions all over Europe which are able and willing to provide a platform for such co-operation and co-ordinate the development of co-operative learning formats, especially on the course level, across sectoral boundaries. The energy transition definitely requires adequately trained people to deal with and create low emission energy systems and the challenges arising therewith.



欧洲的远见卓识,例如欧盟委员会的战略能源技术(SET)计划和SET计划路线图教育与培训,鼓励高等教育机构(HEI)和企业面对挑战,建立适当的合作教育和培训方法实现欧盟气候目标所必需的能源过渡。发展合作社综合教育,培训和学习系统是促进学术机构与企业之间合作的一项基本战略。关于合作社教育和培训的理论和实践知识的可用资源有限。为了识别可用信息并在没有这项研究的地方创建新信息,这是通过文献研究和对现有合作教育形式的数据库搜索来进行的。此外,通过对七个实际案例研究报告的分析进行补充,这些报告涉及从欧盟Horizo​​n 2020计划下委托的BioEnergyTrain(BET)项目中提取的示例。在课程,课程和实习级别上存在着高等教育机构与企业之间出于教育目的的合作。考虑到欧洲在课程层次上的研究总数,只有很少的合作教育课程存在。在课程方面,大多数合适的形式是学士课程的双重学习,较少的是硕士课程的双重学习。课程一级的合作格式不遵循制度化规则,而是根据具体情况应用。本期刊提供的有关实际案例的研究强调了这种合作形式为大学和商业合作伙伴提供的提高学生技能和商业洞察力的巨大潜力。他们将在以后工作的商业环境中。然而,实习并不能为企业和高校之间提供高强度的合作。因此,它不在本文的关注范围之内。统计分析结果显示,仅在德国,仅2018年一年就有19,822个相关的双重学习课程,而在硕士水平的合作课程中,整个欧洲仅可以追踪73个。案例研究报告的结果将在其他文件1、2、3、4、5、6、7和8中进一步讨论。现有的合作教育和培训的研究和描述是有限的。但是,根据现有资源,本研究讨论了关于合作社教育的根源,类型,业务角色,轮换类型,薪水和法律问题,以及在欧洲范围内为创建并付诸实践而开展的努力的合作教育。合作教育的案例研究。一般的学士和硕士学位双重学习课程与整个欧洲的可用学习之间的巨大差距,部分原因是大多数双重学习课程都在学士学位这一事实,部分与有限的大学集体信息共享有关综合平台。通过研究合作研究的理论背景以及合作教育实践的实际实施的主要研究重点,无法单独联系和分析所有欧洲学术机构。关于合作学习计划的可用数据很少。这可能是由于以下事实:学术机构和企业之间在教育和培训方面的合作在整个教育体系中仅扮演了次要的角色。除了双重学习计划外,合作教育和培训形式通常没有明确定义,因为旨在应对能源转型带来的挑战的合作教育计划数量很少。尽管在SET计划过程中制定了SET计划路线图教育和培训,以及由欧洲大学协会(EUA)制定的欧洲大学行动议程都将高校与企业之间的合作视为应对这些挑战的关键所在(Borrell-Damian和Narodoslawsky [附加文件1]),在这方面仍有许多工作要做。欧洲各地都需要有能力并愿意为这种合作提供平台,并协调跨部门边界的合作学习形式的发展,尤其是在课程一级。能源转型绝对需要经过足够培训的人员来应对和创造低排放能源系统,以及随之而来的挑战。