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Gender differences in acute recreational drug toxicity: a case series from Oslo, Norway.
BMC Emergency Medicine ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s12873-019-0244-3
Victoria Lykke Syse 1, 2 , Mette Brekke 3 , Marit Mæhle Grimsrud 1, 4 , Per Sverre Persett 1, 5 , Fridtjof Heyerdahl 6, 7 , Knut Erik Hovda 8 , Odd Martin Vallersnes 2, 9

BACKGROUND Female drug users report poorer physical and mental health than male drug users. We describe female and male patients treated for acute recreational drug toxicity, and look for gender differences in clinical state, treatment, and toxic agents taken. METHODS Retrospective case series from a primary care emergency outpatient clinic and a hospital emergency department in Oslo, Norway. All patients treated for acute recreational drug toxicity from October 2013 through March 2015 were included, except patients with lone alcohol intoxication. Patients were grouped according to whether they had taken opioids or not, as a proxy differentiation between heavy drug users and party drug users. Data from the two clinical settings were analysed separately. RESULTS In total, 2495 cases were included, 567 (22.7%) were women. Female patients were younger than males, median 31 vs 34 years (p < 0.001). On most comparisons of clinical variables there were no significant differences between genders. A larger proportion of females in the outpatient opioid group were hypotensive, 10.9% vs 3.9% (p < 0.001). Fewer females were intubated, none vs 21.1% (p = 0.019) in the hospital opioid group, and 6.4% vs 21.0% (p = 0.039) in the hospital non-opioid group. The proportion of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) poisoning was larger among females both at the outpatient clinic (14.4% vs 8.6%, p < 0.001) and at the hospital (60.3% vs 36.4%, p = 0.001), while the proportion of heroin poisoning was smaller among females at the outpatient clinic (37.1% vs 47.0%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION One in four patients treated for acute recreational drug toxicity were women. Female patients were younger, had more frequently taken GHB and were less frequently intubated. Otherwise, the gender differences regarding clinical state and treatment were small. Although female drug users are known to report poorer health than males, we did not find that women had a more severe clinical course than men when presenting with overdose.



背景技术女性吸毒者的身心健康状况比男性吸毒者差。我们描述了因急性娱乐药物毒性而接受治疗的女性和男性患者,并寻找临床状态、治疗和服用的有毒药物方面的性别差异。方法 对挪威奥斯陆一家初级保健急诊门诊和一家医院急诊科进行回顾性病例系列。 2013 年 10 月至 2015 年 3 月期间接受急性消遣性药物中毒治疗的所有患者均纳入其中,单独酒精中毒患者除外。根据患者是否服用阿片类药物对患者进行分组,作为重度吸毒者和派对吸毒者之间的代理区分。分别分析两种临床环境的数据。结果 共纳入2495例病例,其中女性567例(22.7%)。女性患者比男性患者年轻,中位年龄为 31 岁 vs 34 岁 (p < 0.001)。在大多数临床变量比较中,性别之间没有显着差异。门诊阿片类药物组中女性出现低血压的比例较高,分别为 10.9% 和 3.9% (p < 0.001)。接受插管的女性较少,医院阿片类药物组中无插管者 vs 21.1% (p = 0.019),医院非阿片类药物组中插管者为 6.4% vs 21.0% (p = 0.039)。无论是在门诊(14.4% vs 8.6%,p < 0.001)还是在医院(60.3% vs 36.4%,p = 0.001),女性中γ-羟基丁酸(GHB)中毒的比例都较大,而比例门诊女性海洛因中毒的比例较小(37.1% vs 47.0%,p < 0.001)。结论 因急性娱乐性药物中毒而接受治疗的患者中有四分之一是女性。女性患者更年轻,服用 GHB 的频率更高,插管的频率也更低。 除此之外,临床状态和治疗方面的性别差异很小。尽管已知女性吸毒者的健康状况比男性差,但我们没有发现女性在吸毒过量时比男性有更严重的临床病程。