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GIS-based modeling of residual biomass availability for energy and production in Mexico
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ( IF 16.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.109610
Diego Fabián Lozano-García , José Ezequiel Santibañez-Aguilar , Francisco J. Lozano , Antonio Flores-Tlacuahuac

Energy demand in Mexico is expected to increase in the foreseeable future; however, recently adopted national policies require that Mexico reduces its dependence on fossil fuel-based energy resources. In order to identify areas with a high potential for renewable energy production, based on agricultural by-products a geographic information system-based model was constructed. The model considered a set of enablers' layers (agriculture residue, roads, electrical network, population, land use) and a set of restrictors' layers (slope, natural protected areas, water bodies, natural vegetation, populated areas, airports, and historical sites). Eight crops were selected: maize, wheat, sugarcane, barley, sorghum, agave, paddy rice, and pecan nut. These were selected based on their residue production, as well as being the ones with sizable production volume in several regions across Mexico, as well as the characteristics of their residual biomass that can be used for generating energy or chemicals, without altering the primary intention for these crops, which is human and animal feed. Four models were developed using a weighted overlay algorithm to construct the enablers' layer while the restrictors' layer was created by selecting features with a given characteristic or by generating buffers from the layer's features. The results show that it is possible to generate up to 70,951 MWh of electricity or 18,373 Gg of Fischer–Tropsch liquids using only 60% of the residual biomass. The distribution of these energy sources in the country is highly variable depending on the type of crop selected with a concentration of the crop residues along the lowlands of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean and the central states of Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Queretaro. The study covers a very ample set of municipalities throughout the country, therein their relevance.



在可预见的将来,墨西哥的能源需求预计会增加;但是,最近通过的国家政策要求墨西哥减少对化石燃料基能源的依赖。为了确定具有可再生能源生产潜力的地区,基于农业副产品,构建了基于地理信息系统的模型。该模型考虑了一组促成因素层(农业残留物,道路,电网,人口,土地利用)和一组限制者层(坡度,自然保护区,水体,自然植被,人口稠密地区,机场和历史遗址)网站)。选择了八种作物:玉米,小麦,甘蔗,大麦,高粱,龙舌兰,水稻和山核桃。这些是根据它们的残渣产生量选择的,以及墨西哥几个地区产量相当大的作物,以及可用于生产能源或化学药品的残留生物质的特征,而不会改变这些作物的主要用途,即人类和动物饲料。使用加权覆盖算法开发了四个模型,以构造使能器层,同时通过选择具有给定特征的特征或通过从该层的特征生成缓冲区来创建限制器层。结果表明,仅使用60%的残留生物量,就可能产生高达70,951 MWh的电力或18,373 Gg的费托液体。这些能源在该国的分布情况因所选择的农作物类型而异,且沿墨西哥湾和太平洋低地以及瓜纳华托州,哈利斯科州和克雷塔罗州中部各州的农作物残留浓度较高。这项研究涵盖了全国范围内非常多的城市,并与之相关。
