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The dark side of Eureka: Artificially induced Aha moments make facts feel true.
Cognition ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104122
Ruben E Laukkonen 1 , Benjamin T Kaveladze 2 , Jason M Tangen 3 , Jonathan W Schooler 2

Some ideas that we have feel mundane, but others are imbued with a sense of profundity. We propose that Aha! moments make an idea feel more true or valuable in order to aid quick and efficient decision-making, akin to a heuristic. To demonstrate where the heuristic may incur errors, we hypothesized that facts would appear more true if they were artificially accompanied by an Aha! moment elicited using an anagram task. In a preregistered experiment, we found that participants (n=300) provided higher truth ratings for statements accompanied by solved anagrams even if the facts were false, and the effect was particularly pronounced when participants reported an Aha! experience (d = .629). Recent work suggests that feelings of insight usually accompany correct ideas. However, here we show that feelings of insight can be overgeneralized and bias how true an idea or fact appears, simply if it occurs in the temporal 'neighbourhood' of an Aha! moment. We raise the possibility that feelings of insight, epiphanies, and Aha! moments have a dark side, and discuss some circumstances where they may even inspire false beliefs and delusions, with potential clinical importance.



有些想法让我们感到平凡,但另一些想法却充满了深刻感。我们建议阿哈!瞬间使想法更真实或更有价值,以帮助快速,高效地进行决策(类似于启发式决策)。为了证明启发式方法可能在哪里产生错误,我们假设,如果事实是由Aha人为地陪伴的,则事实会显得更真实!使用七巧板任务引起的瞬间。在一个预先注册的实验中,我们发现,即使事实是错误的,参与者(n = 300)也为附有已解决的字谜的陈述提供了更高的真实等级,并且当参与者报告Aha!时,效果尤其明显。经验(d = .629)。最近的工作表明,洞察力通常伴随着正确的想法。然而,在这里,我们表明,洞察力可以被概括化,并偏向一个想法或事实的真实性,只要它发生在阿哈(Aha)的时间“邻居”中就可以了!片刻。我们提出了有洞察力,顿悟和阿哈的感觉的可能性!片刻是阴暗的一面,并讨论某些情况,甚至可能激发错误的信念和妄想,具有潜在的临床重要性。