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Construction of flame retardant coating on polyester fabric with ammonium polyphosphate and carbon microspheres
Polymer Degradation and Stability ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2019.109028
Ruihong Qin , Yinghao Song , Mei Niu , Baoxia Xue , Liyuan Liu

In this study, ammonium polyphosphate (APP) was coated on the surface of carbon microspheres (CMSs) to synthesize the CMSs-APP (CA) three-in-one intumescent flame retardant (IFR). Then, CA was coated the surface of polyester fabric (CAP) by flame retardant finishing method to improve the flame retardant of polyester fabric. Morphology, thermal, flame retardant and other properties of CAP was characterized by SEM, TG, LOI, UL94 and CONE. The results show that when two layers of flame retardant (CMSs-APP) coated on polyester fabric (CAP2), the LOI value of CAP2 was 28.1% and the burning rating reached B1 class with no droplet drop during the UL94 test. The residue char has increased by 22.2%. The CA coating significantly reduced the heat release rate (HRR) and total heat release (THR) of the polyester fabric, with the HRR reduced by 51.0%, and produced a more stable and compact carbon layer during combustion. Moreover, the coated polyester fabric has excellent washing durability. Overall, CA flame retardant was coated the surface of polyester fabric endowed the polyester fabric with good flame retardant, broadening its scope of application.



