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Trochodendron aralioides, the first chromosome-level draft genome in Trochodendrales and a valuable resource for basal eudicot research
GigaScience ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giz136
Joeri S Strijk 1, 2, 3 , Damien D Hinsinger 2, 3 , Fengping Zhang 4 , Kunfang Cao 1

The wheel tree (Trochodendron aralioides) is one of only 2 species in the basal eudicot order Trochodendrales. Together with Tetracentron sinense, the family is unique in having secondary xylem without vessel elements, long considered to be a primitive character also found in Amborella and Winteraceae. Recent studies however have shown that Trochodendraceae belong to basal eudicots and demonstrate that this represents an evolutionary reversal for the group. Trochodendron aralioides is widespread in cultivation and popular for use in gardens and parks.


Trochodendron aralioides,Trochodendrales 中第一个染色体水平的基因组草图,是基础双子叶植物研究的宝贵资源

轮树 ( Trochodendron aralioides ) 是基生真双子叶目 Trochodendrales 中仅有的 2 个物种之一。与水青树一样,该科的独特之处在于具有没有导管成分的次生木质部,长期以来,这被认为是在Amborella和 Winteraceae 中也发现的原始特征。然而,最近的研究表明,Trochodendraceae 属于基部真双子叶植物,并证明这代表了该类群的进化逆转。 Trochodendron aralioides栽培广泛,广泛用于花园和公园。