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Periodic Remodeling in a Neural Circuit Governs Timing of Female Sexual Behavior.
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.025
Sayaka Inoue 1 , Renzhi Yang 2 , Adarsh Tantry 1 , Chung-Ha Davis 3 , Taehong Yang 1 , Joseph R Knoedler 1 , Yichao Wei 1 , Eliza L Adams 3 , Shivani Thombare 1 , Samantha R Golf 3 , Rachael L Neve 4 , Marc Tessier-Lavigne 5 , Jun B Ding 6 , Nirao M Shah 7

Behaviors are inextricably linked to internal state. We have identified a neural mechanism that links female sexual behavior with the estrus, the ovulatory phase of the estrous cycle. We find that progesterone-receptor (PR)-expressing neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) are active and required during this behavior. Activating these neurons, however, does not elicit sexual behavior in non-estrus females. We show that projections of PR+ VMH neurons to the anteroventral periventricular (AVPV) nucleus change across the 5-day mouse estrous cycle, with ∼3-fold more termini and functional connections during estrus. This cyclic increase in connectivity is found in adult females, but not males, and regulated by estrogen signaling in PR+ VMH neurons. We further show that these connections are essential for sexual behavior in receptive females. Thus, estrogen-regulated structural plasticity of behaviorally salient connections in the adult female brain links sexual behavior to the estrus phase of the estrous cycle.



行为与内部状态有着千丝万缕的联系。我们已经确定了一种将女性性行为与发情期(动情周期的排卵期)联系起来的神经机制。我们发现下丘脑腹内侧(VMH)中表达孕酮受体(PR)的神经元在这种行为过程中是活跃的并且是必需的。然而,激活这些神经元不会引起非发情雌性的性行为。我们发现 PR+ VMH 神经元向前腹侧室周 (AVPV) 核的投射在 5 天的小鼠动情周期中发生变化,动情期间末端和功能连接增加约 3 倍。这种连通性的周期性增加存在于成年女性而非男性中,并受到 PR+ VMH 神经元中雌激素信号的调节。我们进一步表明,这些联系对于接受性女性的性行为至关重要。因此,成年女性大脑中雌激素调节的行为显着连接的结构可塑性将性行为与动情周期的动情阶段联系起来。