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Phylogenetic affinity of an enigmatic Rubiaceae from the Seychelles revealing a recent biogeographic link with Central Africa: gen. nov. Seychellea and trib. nov. Seychelleeae.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106685
Sylvain G Razafimandimbison 1 , Kent Kainulainen 2 , Bruno Senterre 3 , Charles Morel 4 , Catarina Rydin 5

The granitic islands of the Seychelles harbor about 268 native angiosperm species, with 28% being endemics there. The Seychelles biota contains a mix of ancient taxa with Gondwanan origins and young taxa that arrived there via dispersals. We investigate the phylogenetic position of an enigmatic, critically endangered, Seychellean endemic of the coffee family (Rubiaceae), Psathura/Psychotria sechellarum, and assess whether its presence on the granitic islands of the Seychelles is the result of vicariance or long-distance dispersal. Phylogenetic relationships of the family were reconstructed based on the Bayesian and maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analyses of sequence data from five plastid markers of 107 terminals. Divergence times were estimated using a Bayesian-based method. Psathura/Psychotria sechellarum is distantly related to Psychotria s.l. (including Psathura), and is strongly supported as sister to the Central African genus Colletoecema. Their striking morphological differences, coupled with their geographic separation and genetic distinctness, support the recognition of the new genus Seychellea and new tribe Seychelleeae to accommodate the Seychellean species. The Colletoecema-Seychellea clade constitutes an early-divergent lineage in the subfamily Rubioideae, with an old stem and a young crown ages estimated to be in the Late Cretaceous and late Oligocene-early Pliocene, respectively. Colletoecema diverged from Seychellea in the late Oligocene-early Pliocene and their respective crown ages are inferred to be late Miocene-middle Pleistocene and Pleistocene, respectively. The ancestor of the two genera was likely present in Africa, and reached the Seychelles via avian dispersal. Unlike Colletoecema with three species, Seychellea is monospecific, with very few individuals left in the wild. The species should be a top candidate for conservation priority, as its extinction would cause loss of genetic diversity of this entire lineage.


来自塞舌尔的神秘茜草科的系统发生亲和力揭示了最近与中非的生物地理联系:gen。十一月 塞舌尔和部落。十一月 塞舌尔科。

塞舌尔的花岗岩岛上约有268种原生被子植物,其中28%是当地特有种。塞舌尔生物群包含了起源于冈瓦纳的古代生物群和通过扩散到达那里的年轻生物群。我们调查了一个神秘的,极度濒危的,塞舌尔特有的咖啡家族(卢比科),Psathura / Psychotria sechellarum的系统发育位置,并评估了它在塞舌尔花岗岩岛上的存在是否是偶然性或远距离分散的结果。该家族的亲缘关系是基于对来自107个末端的5个质体标记的序列数据进行贝叶斯和最大似然系统发育分析而重建的。使用基于贝叶斯的方法估计发散时间。Psathura / Psychotria sechellarum与Psychotria sl密切相关 (包括Psathura),并得到中非属Colletoecema姐妹的大力支持。它们惊人的形态差异,再加上地理上的分隔和遗传上的独特性,支持了对新的塞舌尔属和新的塞舌尔族的认可,以适应塞舌尔的物种。Colletoecema-Seychellea进化枝是Rubioideae亚科的早期分化谱系,估计其老茎和年轻冠龄分别在白垩纪晚期和渐新世晚期-上新世。渐新世晚期-上新世从塞舌尔分流出来的Collectoecema和它们各自的冠龄分别被推定为中新世-中更新世和更新世。这两个属的祖先可能存在于非洲,并通过禽类传播到达塞舌尔。与带有三种物种的Collectoecema不同,Seychellea是单特异性的,很少有人留在野外。该物种应是保护重点的最佳候选物种,因为其灭绝将导致整个谱系的遗传多样性丧失。