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MERS-CoV as an emerging respiratory illness: A review of prevention methods.
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2019.101520
Salim Baharoon 1 , Ziad A Memish 2


Middle East Respiratory Coronavirus Virus (MERS-CoV) first emerged from Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since been recognized as a significant human respiratory pathogen on a global level.


In this narrative review, we focus on the prevention of MERS-CoV. We searched PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Scopus, and Google Scholar, using the following terms: ‘MERS’, ‘MERS-CoV’, ‘Middle East respiratory syndrome’ in combination with ‘prevention’ or ‘infection control’. We also reviewed the references of each article to further include other studies or reports not identified by the search.


As of Nov 2019, a total of 2468 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV were diagnosed mostly from Middle Eastern regions with a mortality rate of at least 35%. A major outbreak that occurred outside the Middle East (in South Korea) and infections reported from 27 countries. MERS-CoV has gained recognition as a pathogen of global significance. Prevention of MERS-CoV infection is a global public health priority. Healthcare facility transmission and by extension community transmission, the main amplifier of persistent outbreaks, can be prevented through early identification and isolation of infected humans. While MERS-CoV vaccine studies were initially hindered by multiple challenges, recent vaccine development for MERS-CoV is showing promise.


The main factors leading to sustainability of MERS-CoV infection in high risk courtiers is healthcare facility transmission. MERS-CoV transmission in healthcare facility mainly results from laps in infection control measures and late isolation of suspected cases. Preventive measures for MERS-CoV include disease control in camels, prevention of camel to human transmission.


MERS-CoV 作为一种新出现的呼吸道疾病:预防方法综述。


中东呼吸道冠状病毒 (MERS-CoV) 于 2012 年首次从沙特阿拉伯出现,此后已被公认为全球范围内重要的人类呼吸道病原体。


在这篇叙述性综述中,我们重点关注 MERS-CoV 的预防。我们使用以下术语搜索了 PubMed、Embase、Cochrane、Scopus 和 Google Scholar:“MERS”、“MERS-CoV”、“中东呼吸综合征”与“预防”或“感染控制”相结合。我们还审查了每篇文章的参考文献,以进一步包括搜索未识别的其他研究或报告。


截至 2019 年 11 月,共有 2468 例中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒实验室确诊病例,大部分来自中东地区,死亡率至少为 35%。中东以外地区(韩国)爆发重大疫情,27 个国家/地区报告感染病例。MERS-CoV 已被公认为具有全球意义的病原体。预防 MERS-CoV 感染是全球公共卫生的优先事项。可以通过早期识别和隔离受感染的人来预防医疗机构传播和社区传播(持续爆发的主要放大器)。虽然 MERS-CoV 疫苗研究最初受到多重挑战的阻碍,但最近针对 MERS-CoV 的疫苗开发显示出了希望。


导致 MERS-CoV 在高风险廷臣中持续感染的主要因素是医疗机构传播。MERS-CoV在医疗机构的传播主要是由于感染控制措施的疏忽和疑似病例隔离的滞后。MERS-CoV 的预防措施包括控制骆驼疾病、预防骆驼向人类传播。
