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Off-Site Flux Estimates of Volatile Organic Compounds from Oil and Gas Production Facilities Using Fast-Response Instrumentation.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b05621
Rachel Edie 1 , Anna M Robertson 1 , Jeffrey Soltis 1 , Robert A Field 1 , Dustin Snare 2 , Matthew D Burkhart 1 , Shane M Murphy 1

Flux estimates of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oil and gas (O&G) production facilities are fundamental in understanding hazardous air pollutant concentrations and ozone formation. Previous off-site emission estimates derive fluxes by ratioing VOCs measured in canisters to methane fluxes measured in the field. This study uses the Environmental Protection Agency's Other Test Method 33A (OTM 33A) and a fast-response proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer to make direct measurements of VOC emissions from O&G facilities in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming. We report the first off-site direct flux estimates of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes from upstream O&G production facilities and find that these estimates can vary significantly from flux estimates derived using both the canister ratio technique and from the emission inventory. The 32 OTM 33A flux estimates had arithmetic mean (and 95% CI) as follows: benzene 17.83 (0.22, 98.05) g/h, toluene 34.43 (1.01, 126.76) g/h, C8 aromatics 37.38 (1.06, 225.34) g/h, and methane 2.3 (1.7, 3.1) kg/h. A total of 20% of facilities measured accounted for ∼67% of total BTEX emissions. While this heavy tail is less dramatic than previous observations of methane in other basins, it is more prominent than that predicted by the emission inventory.



油气(O&G)生产设施中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的通量估算值对于理解有害空气污染物浓度和臭氧形成至关重要。以前的异地排放估算是通过将罐中测得的VOC与现场测得的甲烷通量之比得出通量。这项研究使用了环境保护署的其他测试方法33A(OTM 33A)和快速响应的质子转移反应质谱仪来直接测量怀俄明州上游绿河盆地O&G设施中的VOC排放。我们报告了上游O&G生产设施,发现这些估算值与使用碳罐比率技术和排放清单得出的通量估算值有很大差异。32 OTM 33A通量估算值的算术平均值(和95%CI)如下:苯17.83(0.22,98.05)g / h,甲苯34.43(1.01,126.76)g / h,C8芳烃37.38(1.06,225.34)g / h h,甲烷2.3(1.7,3.1)kg / h。总共测量的20%的设施约占BTEX总排放量的67%。虽然这条重尾巴不如先前在其他盆地中观测到的甲烷剧烈,但比排放清单所预测的要突出得多。7,3.1)kg / h。总共测量的20%的设施约占BTEX总排放量的67%。虽然这条重尾巴不如先前在其他盆地中观测到的甲烷剧烈,但比排放清单所预测的要突出得多。7,3.1)kg / h。总共测量的20%的设施约占BTEX总排放量的67%。虽然这条重尾巴不如先前在其他盆地中观测到的甲烷剧烈,但比排放清单所预测的要突出得多。