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Role of water in degradation of nitroplasticizer
Polymer Degradation and Stability ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2019.109020
Dali Yang , Duan Z. Zhang

The role of water in degradation of nitroplasticizer (NP) was studied using a set of NP samples aged inside confined containers between room temperature and 70C with their water concentrations monitored during the aging course. For the first 42 days at the temperatures 55C and below, simple Fickian diffusion dominates the monotonic decreases of the water concentrations with time. After about 60–80 days depending on temperatures, diffusion alone can no longer explain the water decreases, despite no significant NP degradation detectable using the FTIR spectroscopy. Starting at about 80–160 days, also depending on temperatures, the measured water concentrations fluctuated around mean values that decrease with increasing temperature, and the onset of NP degradation was detected using FTIR and TGA. It was found that NP contains an irreducible amount of water on the order of a few hundred ppms, which decreases with increasing temperature. Pristine NP does not exist with a water concentration lower than this amount. The diffusivity, the irreducible amount of water in NP, and the mean water production rate due to NP degradation are calculated from the water concentrations of the first aging stage and the mean water concentrations during the onset of NP degradation. They all change with the temperature following Arrhenius laws with different prefactors and activation energies. This study shows that trace water formation is an intrinsic property of the NP while it ages with the mechanistic details to be resolved.



使用一组NP样品室温和70之间老化内部密闭容器中的水在(NP)nitroplasticizer的降解中的作用进行了研究当然老化期间下用它们的水的浓度进行监测。在最初的42天中,温度为55∘C及以下,简单的Fickian扩散控制了水浓度随时间的单调下降。经过约60-80天(取决于温度)后,尽管使用FTIR光谱法检测不到明显的NP降解,但仅靠扩散不再能解释水的减少。从大约80-160天开始(也取决于温度),测得的水浓度在平均值附近波动,平均值随温度升高而降低,并且使用FTIR和TGA检测到NP降解的开始。已发现NP含有不可还原的水,其量为几百ppm,其随温度升高而降低。原始NP的水浓度低于此含量时不存在。NP中水的扩散率,不可还原量 NP降解引起的平均产水率是根据第一个老化阶段的水浓度和NP降解开始时的平均水浓度来计算的。它们都随着温度的变化而遵循阿伦尼乌斯定律,并具有不同的前置因子和活化能。这项研究表明,痕量水的形成是NP的固有属性,随着年龄的增长,其机械机理尚待解决。
